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1) Back up any Custom Test Types and Extensions already present in the installation \application\CustomTestTypes \application\Extensions This prevents them from being overwritten when the SOAtest test types are installed. 2) Extract the contents of the ZIP file that is shipped with SOAtest. /integration/HP to the folder…
I have one challenge with respect to connecting to ALM 14 from ParasoftSOA . With the latest update of ALM to ALM 14( ) I am facing some challenges in connecting to ALM from parasoftSOA Test. challenges in step number 3,4,5 in the above…
SOATest 5.5.3 and QC APIHi I am using HP Quality Center10.0 for executing my Parasoft SOATest Script using the Javascript API of SOATest-QC. I wanted to use the value of a field in Quality Center Test Plan Details tab. Basically: I have added a field in Quality Center 10.0 Test Plan -->Details Tab. Field Name is…
Hi, When I am trying to execute SOAtest 9.0 test cases from Quality Center, getting the below error. Run-time error [9] : WSDLReader:XML Parser failed at linenumber 0, lineposition 0, reason is: The system cannot locate the resource specified. HRESULT=0x1: Incorrect function. - WSDLReader:Loading of the WSDL file failed…
in HP Quality Center.The following errors may happen when running the VAPI-XP test script in HP Quality Center. 1.) "Automation server can't create object" Make sure you have installed the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit SDK as explained in the SOAtest User's Guide. The installer can be found on the Quality Center install disk. The…
Hi, I am running a Test Suite where I have a parametrized data set running 153 test cases but only 1 Test Case setup in SOA Test. So although I am technically running 153 test cases, the results only show 1 result in Quality Center. I was wondering if there is a way to have QC show the results for each parametrized test…
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