Business Data Testing
Business Data TestingHi, I was wondering if there was a way of specifying exact return values from a webservice, to determine whether the test failed or passed. For example, there is a webservice which performs a calculation on an integer (it squares the input value), and I want to have a Test Case where I set the input…
jtestcli with team config
I am trying to use jtestcli with a config that use team like this: D: \Jtest7.5>jtestcli -config "team://My Team Code Rules" -nobuild -showdetails -report "D:\Jtest7.5\reports\report.xml" -data "D:\code\src" jtestcli: Version 7.5.43 -- Copyright © 2003-2005 Parasoft Corporation jtestcli: Bad configuration URL: team://My…
Jtest and Rational Test Manager
Does Jtest have an integration to Rational Test Manager? Thanks
Strange variable and pointer values in debugger with Insure++
In running an insure built executable under the debugger when examining things like READ_UNINIT_MEM errors that insure has reported you may notice '0xdeadbeef' Or '0xefbeadde' (depending on whether you're on a big endian or a little endian machine) in hex the registers This is part of how insure checks for things that are…
Controlling the Content-ID of an attachment
Hi all, My web-service requires the attachment ID to be specified as a parameter inside the SOAP envelope, for defining the different actions to be taken on each attachment. For this I need to be able to define the content-id of a specific attachment, or get the content-ID, and use it as a parameter inside the request. Is…
How to run LoadTest from command prompt?
how to run load tests from cmd prompt?Hi, I am trying to run the Load tests from the command line. (a) created load_script.txt file under the installed directory of SOA Test 4.1 (ie, C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOA Test\4.1) ( project file (testing.tst) is located at D: \Testing_IIDK-WS\WSDL-Demo folder © I would like to…
Test organization - Testing http and https
Testing http and httpsCan I have a single project file (*.tst) for testing http and https protocols? Or, is it recommnded to have separate files for testing these protocols? Thanks, bmcuser
Can we generate reports for failed test cases?
can we generate reports for failed tc's?I have WSDL Tests , Unit Tests and Load tests in one project (test.tst) file. When I run the Tests , (1) is it possible to generate reports only for failed test cases ? (and not for all the tests cases). Thanks, bmcuser
Writable DataSource has regression control issue
Hey guys. With the help of Greaham we created a test which used a set-up soap client test to create a bunch of values in a writable data source which I then used as an input source for subsequent standard soap client tests. when I attempt to create multiple regression controls via the writable data source,soa test only…
How do I change the rule description in RuleWizard
Change rule description in RuleWizardRight click in the rule area not on any of the elements and select Properties. This will bring up a window from which you can edit the rule description, severity, ID, author, language (C or C++), and the heading.
Scripting Example for SystemTime
Does any one have an example how to script or retrieve systemtime with JYTHON in SOA Test 4.1? -LeapTester
Scripting - random 11 digit number
I have a test for one operation which has one input parameter and it takes 11 digit number. Can you please provide me a testscript which generates any random 11 digit number for input field. Thanks LeapTester
Receiving "Warning: unable to instrument ..." during compilation
If during compilation you get a message, similar to: Warning: unable to instrument "leakscop.c" (3), compiling original source code
Technical support is available at http://www.parasoft.com/insure_instrumentation_failure This message means that this source file will not be instrumented. The cause could be any of:* A…
Jtest Report Options - What are they?
After running a test using Jest 6, and I press the "Report" button, there is a Report options button. It is looking for a .properties file. I could not locate the description of this file in the online JTest 6 Help documentation and assume differences from a configuration.properties file. Question: What is the content of…
Getting summaries from programs that don't exit
If you have a program that runs perpetually i.e client/server application daemon, service or something similar to any of these. You will typically not get a summary from insure because insure does not create the summaries until after exit has been called. There are couple of things that can be done about this 1. you can…
About SIGSEGV segmentation fault
seg fault when compiling with insureWhen running my program it gives a segmentation fault if it is compiled with insure, but if not compiled with insure, it doesn't. The only change between the Insure build and the non-Insure build is the word "insure" before the g++ statement. If it's a genuine seg fault scenario, can you…
Getting an assertion failure when instrumenting takes a large amount of memory
The application I am instrumenting allocates large amounts of memory, so much that it exceeds the default 256M heap limit imposed by AIX 5's libc, so I have to compile the application with -Wl,-bmaxdata:0x80000000. When running under insure, the program runs for a while and allocates approx 168M before it crashes with the…
Insra redirection to another machine
We are using insure-compiled binaries on various embedded products (real target x86 machines and simulated targets using User-Mode Linux). Insure works fine using stdout or a file as argument to insure++.reportfile. The target machines does not have any xserver, so its not possible to run insra on the target. Is it…
How to merge report file
How to merge report fileHello, I'm using Jtest 6.0 on a linux server. When I run jtest with the command line from ANT, it happens that JTest jams. I followed a Jtest training and the teacher told me to separate jtest operations: coding check, generation and execution. The 3 separated operations work fine but the html…
Hi All, please can any one let me know how to test Struts in Jtest, also i wanted to know is there any builtin rules in jtest for testing Struts. I am using Jtest6.0 version.
Using rpath on executable link with Insure++
use of rpath in executablesrpath on .so and executables Insure++ Version 7.0.1 (build 2004-10-30) Linux 2.4.20-8, RH9 gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5) I am trying to build an application which uses .so and includes an rpath in the link. The flags in question are -Wl,-rpath . -Wl,-rpath ../lib . When insure…
How do I use Jtest Configurations with jtestcli?
Typically, jtestcli invocations follow this pattern:* Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% * UNIX: jtestcli -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% [/list] -config…
How does Jtest work across a team?
Jtest is a fully team-oriented Java development solution. The optimal Jtest team configuration is to have one Jtest Server Edition on the team build machine, a Professional Edition of Jtest on every developer workstation, one Jtest Architect Edition on the architect's machine, and one installation of Team Configuration…
What coding standard rules does Jtest check?
Jtest has a total of 700+ development rules developed by Java gurus such as Sun Microsystems, Scott Ambler, and Joshua Bloch, plus rules from popular open source coding standards tools (CheckStyle, PMD, FindBugs, etc.). To help users determine which rules to comply with, rules are categorized by topic (for instance,…
Does Jtest generate standard JUnit test cases?
Yes, Jtest automatically generates standard JUnit test cases and allows you to extend/modify these test cases in the standard JUnit manner, with real Java code. Additionally, it gives you the option of adding more test cases graphically (using a graphical object editor and a graphical test case editor with data source and…
Does Jtest work with Ant?
Yes. The Jtest command line interface (jtestcli) works with Ant to help Jtest users further standardize and streamline the testing process. By extending Ant using sample or custom Jtest build files, you can integrate Jtest testing into an automated compilation/build process. Because Ant is so extensible, it can assimilate…
How do I get rid of the error
Error occured during initial. of VMThis VM failure sometimes happens on machines with large amounts of memory, usually over 3 gigs. To fix this, we will need to pass an argument to SOAPtest to change the amount of memory allocated to the JVM in which SOAPtest runs. You will need to find out how much memory is available on…
Querstion on Insure++ suppression
Problem: When testing his application I get lots of errors reported from libXt.so library (one of X Window System graphical libraries, I'm on Linux). There are so many of these messages that I have hard time sifting through them to find the errors reported in my code. Question: Is there a way to suppress violations/errors…
What do I do about "error LNK2011"?
The short answer: turn pch off. The warning: Some projects fail to build when you turn pch off. The longer answer: One can not mix the use of instrumented and uninstrumented precompiled headers in the compilations of object files destined to become part of a single executable. If instrumented and uninstrumented precompiled…
My project doesn't build when I turn pch off
Sometimes a project that uses precompiled headers fails to compile or link under Insure++. For such projects, it is sometimes necessary to turn pch off when instrumenting your code with Insure++. However, some projects will only build if PCH is turned on. Such projects are broken. They are usually just poorly configured…
Turning off suppressed messages
I want nothing suppressed I have tried removing every reference to suppressed in all .psrc files but things are still suppressed How do I see everything? thanks josh siegel
Bad PCH usage detected
Pre-compiled headersWARNING: Bad PCH usage detected, .\MyFile.cpp will not be instrumented. This error is caused by the use of pre-compiled headers in a Microsoft VS build. The use of PCH interferes with Insure++'s ability to properly instrument your code so this warning message is shown. To solve it you simply need to…
How do I debug a COM object with Insure++?
COM objects are always run in some process. Often, you will know if a COM object is "in process" or "out of process". Either way, the COM object is in some process, and that process must be debugged with InsureSpy.exe, inject.exe, or Visual Studio through clicking on the "Insure++ Debug" button. You cannot attach to a…
Log does not include detailed information frome execution
hello i am new to insure++. i read through the manual and i believe i compiled my source correctly. but the log files are not showing the informations that i am looking for. following contents are from the log files: MEMORY LEAK SUMMARY =================== 53 outstanding memory references for 1260 bytes (1K). Leaks…
Testing Abstract and Interface classes
Does Jtest test Abstract and Interfaces?YES. Coding standards is performed on Abstract and Interface classes. And Unit Testing is performed as following: Abstract classes are tested by making an anonymous class that extends it and implements the abstract methods Interfaces are tested by just loading the class so static…
LoadTest Metrics
Load Test MetricsAfter doing a load test on Web Service , we are getting various parameters like time, request size , response size as metrics (result statistics) I want to understand what does the time metrics refer to ? Is time = request time + response time? Is there a way were i can collect the min, max and avg request…
Debugging child process from inject
Debug child process from inject?Hello, I've been using the "Debug child processes" flag in insra (in File > Run dialog) to debug a console application on Windows. I would like to do something similar with inject on the command line. I looked through the docs and couldn't find any inject option to do this. Thanks in…
Memory/ImageList.cc:206 assertion failed
Possible Insure crashI have an application that dynamically loads shared libraries and resolves an init function table. When I run it with insure it crashes with the error "Memory/ImageList.cc:206 assetion failed". Is this an insure problem or something wrong with my application? I have stripped the application down and…
BOGUS_LEAK explained
unexplained errorsWhen running my application, I get a couple messages of the form "BOGUS_LEAK" and a couple references to where in the code some memory is being allocated and where Insure++ thinks it might be getting deleted (I think). The manual has no entry on the message BOGUS_LEAK. Can someone fill me in on that?
Application Hangs
There are times when running an executable that was built with Insure++ that it appears to "hang". Let us first characterize what "hanging" could be. i.e. Is it consuming CPU time? Is it consuming all available RAM and swapping to disk? Does it appear to be stuck in some kind of endless loop? Does it appear to be…
Compilation is too slow
I try to compile my CORBA c++ servers with Insure. But compilation is too slow - already 2 or 3 days. Is it possible to configure Insure to become more fast?
intellij plugin for Jtest
anyone know of a plugin for intellij that will make use of jtest? otherwise loading up the eclipse + jtest bundle just for the purposes of using jtest is a bit of a dog...one gig of ram and using 600 meg of swapspace (ouch!) jboss and squrrielSQL don't help matters. other option I guess I have is to get really comfortable…
Using Insure++ with CGI programs
There are three issues to consider when using Insure++ with CGI programs: * Shared libraries * The .psrc file (and license information) * Output and banners ===Shared Libraries=== Where does the exe find shared libraries? If you are running the program on the same machine it was compiled on, there are no problems. If you…
Check unused code in comment lines
Hello All, I have some problems about configing JTest's rules. Could you guys tell me the ways to resolve it. 1. How can I check the old code ( not unused code ) in comment lines. 2. If JTest have rules to test it, pls. tell me the way to config. 3. If JTest have no rule, How can I create rule by rule wizard for check this…
How do I automatically decode Base 64 encoded
attachments in SOAPtest?To automatically decode Base 64 encoded MIME attachments received by the SOAP Client tool, you will need to use the Attachment Handler Tool. To chain an Attachment Handler Tool to one of your SOAP Client tests and use the automatic Base 64 decoding support you can perform the following steps: 1.…
How do I download and use the Unlimited Strength JCE
Java Cryptography ExtensionSOAtest uses a new key store provider, which supports more key stores. However, in many cases it requires the JCE unlimited strength Jurisdiction Policy Files to be installed. We cannot bundle it with SOAtest because US export laws restrict exporting cryptography technology to certain countries…
Debugging an ISAPI dll
How to Debug an ISAPI dll with Insure++Other than the standard way to debug NT services (which is described in the Insure++ manual in the "Usage Options" section), IIS provides special hooks for debugging ISAPI extension dlls. Because the process is a little complex, I'm only posting links to relevant articles for now. a…
Eclipse Project Refresh
Prevent Jtest from refreshing projectHi there, Due to a problem with Eclipse I have a project that takes about 5 minutes to refresh (the project contains filed named like Test::Unit::Assert). This seems to be unavoidable without getting Eclipse fixed so I just live with it. However, whenever I try to run a Jtest…
Extracting a particular row from DataSource
Hi, Is there a way i can specify/extract a particular ROW/s from Excel sheet or Table that was specified as a data source (Not all the rows in a specific column as it consideres by default) and assign it to a particular Test? This will help me in maintaining most of my seed data for different tests in a particular data…
why JTest can not generate negative int for me
My class has a addBalance(int money) method, why test cases generated by JTest always generate positive param for this method, why not generate negative param calss constructor seen below: public BankAccountSimple(String customer, int deposit) { if (!validCustomer(customer)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad…