Using PST as a License Server standalone on linux
PST contains three products which are GRS, TCM, and License Server. To only use the License Server as a standalone installation on linux, follow these steps: 1) Download the PST file. The file name should be similar to PST_(version).sh 2) Run chmod on the file to make it executable. For instance, chmod u+x PST_(version).sh…
How to give expected result for a test
Can any one tell me how can I give Expected results for a test. For ex: I'm using calculaotr service, i want to give expected result for add test.
User Defined Load Testing Stop Actions
Sample ScriptsAs of SOAPtest version 3.0.1 (Build date: November 22, 2004), user defined scripted Load Tester stop actions have been introduced. These stop actions allow you to stop the load tester from executing if a particular condition or state is reached. Some sample scripts that can be used are shown below: CODEfrom…
How to use the "Scripted XML" option
to generate XML within a SOAP ClientThe following example shows how to use the "Scripted XML" option within a SOAP Client to dynamically generate XML. To use this example: 1. Create a SOAP Client 2. Enter "http://soaptest.parasoft.com/calculator.wsdl" for the WSDL URI 3. Change the SOAP Envelope combo box to "Scripted XML"…
Unix debugger
Is it possible to change the default debugger from gdb to ddd?
Building shared libraries with Insure++ under AIX
Building shared libraries with Insure++Building shared libraries with Insure++ under AIX: The Makefile below has been modified to build a shared library with Insure++. The foo.c and Foo.C source files are first compiled into an object (using insure), then linked into a shared object , and finally archived into the shared…
Scripting - Print to the Message window
how to?Hello, is it possible to print to the SOATest Message window using the Method tool? or other? Thanks!
Multiple Regression Controls for use with Mulitple Rows in an input data source
How do I ingore arrays of elements?I have a test that runs 4 iterations of a test and returns arrays of data. In one case I expect to verify 5 different arrays of data and in another test I only need to verify three arrays of data. How can I configure the test to verify upto 5 arrays and ignore arrays that are not…
Automatic Regression testing - data source iteration
Automatic Regression testingHello All, I am trying to execute the same test twice with a different endpoint value for each execution. This also must be done automaticly via the command line. How can I do this? Thank for you're help
Script to generate and return UUID
The script below invokes the SOAPUtil.generateUUID() method to return a string containing a univserally unique ID (UUID) CODE### Name: generateUUID ### Author: Mark Carlson ### Date: 09/15/2006 ### ### Description: Uses Parasoft API to generate universally unique ID (UUID) ### ### Usage: Returns string containing uuid ###…
How do I check if code changes caused problems?
Parasoft Jtest automatically executes your code and creates a snapshot of its behavior. Whenever the changes are made to the code, Jtest will compare the existing snapshot with the new results of the run and report unexpected results found in relation to the changed code. This process creates very effective regression test…
How can I check if code meets specifications/reqs?
Parasoft Jtest automatically creates test cases for your code and captures its behavior. You can then validate the code's adherence to specification/requirements by validating the captured behavior. Additionally, Jtest can monitor a running application and capture tests with the ?real data values? and ?real sequence calls?…
Can Jtest facilitate testing of complex systems?
In many situations, it is extremely difficult to consistently run tests on a complex system (for example, if your code is altering databases, depending on functionality provided by the application server or web container, and/or communicating with other systems outside of the control of your development group). Parasoft…
How do I achieve 80%+ coverage with Jtest?
Parasoft Jtest typically achieves 60-70% code coverage ?out of the box? by analyzing your code. Additionally, by monitoring a running application, Jtest can create tests with the ?real sequences of calls? and ?real data values? used as the application is exercised. If necessary, these test cases can then be extended to…
How can Jtest leverage my existing JUnit tests?
Parasoft Jtest can leverage your existing test cases in a couple of ways. First, during test execution Jtest will automatically detect your existing JUnit tests, and provide a combined report for all the tests executed. This report will include comprehensive code coverage calculations and all exceptions found. Second,…
How do I improve code security with Jtest?
Parasoft Jtest scans your Java code for various security violations so they can be addressed development, which is a critical step in building security into your application. The best approach to building safe applications is to build security into the application software (as opposed to testing for security…
How do I test servlets/EJBs with Jtest?
Testing any and all Java components that depend on the presence of web containers or application servers can be very complex. To ensure that these components are operating properly, a three-fold testing approach is recommended. 1. While you are in development and are not yet ready to deploy the components on the server:…
How do I build and test robust Web Services with Jtest
Testing any and all Java components that depend on the presence of web containers, application servers, or messaging layers can be very complex. To ensure that these components are operating properly, a two-fold testing approach is recommended. 1. Test your implementation layer: Use Parasoft Jtest to analyze this code-- as…
How do I support code reviews with Jtest?
Since Jtest's automated coding standards analysis virtually eliminates the need for line-by-line inspections during peer code reviews, these reviews can focus on high-return value analysis, such as examining design, algorithmic, or implementation issues. Moreover, Jtest's new Code Review module helps automate the code…
test executes 5 times, store data using XML Data Bank in Writable Data Source
Saving mult iterations of a responseI am using our login service that access a data table and runs 5 times, once for each login name that i have listed in the table. After the I run the service, I can see that it executes once for each of the 5 rows in the data table. The traffic viewer shows 5 responses and 5 differenct…
Cannot access global properties from a script
Is it possible to access global properties such as database account information from a script? Mark
viewing errors in a LoadTest
I see that when you run a load test, you can view the errors that occured. However, it only shows the faultCode, faultString, and faultActor. Is it possible to view the actual request and full response that caused the error during the load test? Thanks so much for your help! Mary
External Tool Usage
How is External Tool inteded to be used?First Question: What is the difference between the Input field and the argument list with the External Tool? Basically, I don't understand what the intent was for using Input vs an Argument except that Input is used for a very long argument such as an XML file. Also can they be…
Penetration Tests
How to set them upHello I have been tasked to set up Penetration Tests. Using the wizard I have created the Test Suites for the various tests, Parm Fuzzing, SQL Injections, etc. but am not sure as to what goes into the Data Source Attck Fields. I'm assuming in the Successful & failure fields I enter the data that is needed…
Using values returned from Database as input for next request
I am new to SOATest and have already worked with QTP web services addins. I wanted to know how can I store the value that is returned as a response from the DB to the web service. Basically I want to use this response as an iput to my next request
no. of requests made per second with N users
The attached graph generated (detailed report) after my load test. I have selected a scenario, which contains three unit test clients, and numbers of users is the controlled parameter here. The N users concurrently invoked the scenario for 5 minutes of duration. "Test Completion Rate (1/sec)" is at y-axis and x-axis the…
Function templates
Hello, I am having difficulty matching code patterns involving function templates using the rule wizard. It seems that context a(b) does not work when "a" is function template. Here is the template: template <typename object> void ptr_remove(const object*& to_remove) { if(to_remove != NULL) delete to_remove; to_remove =…
Test Suite Reference
I noticed the menu option File->Add Test->Test Suite->Import. What is the best way to use this? Can test suites imported by reference be used to share method tool scripts without making extra copies of them in the new project? Mark
Dynamic data - scripting and auto
Is there a way to control the automatic generation of data for a field in a test case? How exactly does the "Auto" option work? I would like to randomize the end of a string example: user101, user205, user500 ... I don't want to list them manually in a table ... Also, I have a field which I would like to auto generate, but…
Relative Path and External Tool
Persist as relative path optionIs there a way to make the external tool a relative path? If not, can that be added in?
HTTP Get and Post requests with SOAtest
HTTP Get and Post requests with SOA TestJust wondering, If we can send HTTP Get/Post requests with SOA Test and receive the response back ? Or SOA test works only with SOAP requests ?
Could not make connection error - Call Back URL
Hi Cpark, 1) I have just started learning SOATest. I went thru the client testing topic on Tutorial and when i tried running emulated client, i got the following error 'Could not make connection: Connection timed out: connect:. What does it mean? How to get rid of this problem. 2) What is an call back url? As i am a newbie…
Reading parameters form a file
Reading parameters form a fileMy requirement is to execute test suites against multile EndPoints with different SOAP headers. Can SOA Test read "EndPoint" or "WSDL URI" or "SOAP Headers" form a flat-file ?
READ_DANGLING in C++ destructor
I have seen that several times I will receive a READ_DANGLING inside of a destructor while accessing class member variables. Is Insure++ marking the memory as deallocated as soon as it hits operator delete() but prior to the actual destructor call?
Unexpected paths?
Unexpected paths?What, by definition, are 'unexpected paths' ? From what I can tell, the manual does not say. I am speculating that, in the case of an if () {} else {} construct, the 'if' path is the 'expected' one and the 'else' path is the unexpected one. Is this the case? If so, where does this terminology come from?
C++ Test Data Source Generation Issue
C++ Test Data Source Generation IssueWhat headings do I need to use in a CSV file to enable setting of Buffer[0], Buffer[1], etc. for the following function: unsigned char CalculateChecksum(unsigned char *Buffer,unsigned char Length).
Test Flow Logic Question
Hey guys I have a test case which I use 3 calls to succeed. 2 calls to obtain information and store certain output in an XML Databank and the third is the service under test. The service under test has a datasource of accounts which it rifles through. What I need to do is create a test flow which forces the Service Under…
Conformance Report
I am trying to figure out how to share a WSDL ws-i conformance report but it seems that the XSL files and other links in the report are hardcoded for my machine. Is there a way to send the report to someone or to download it as a unit with the XSL and links as relative paths to the report itself?
Parameterizing within collections?
is parameterizing a word?Hey folks - first post here... go easy on me... I'm in the process of setting up my first set of parameterized tests in SOATest, using the SOAP Client in Form XML mode/view. My question pertains to stuffing data into an element within a collection - primarily, how is it accomplished and persisted…
Simple JavaScript scripting example - Random Number
I have tried to make a JS-script, but I find it difficult, ref. FAQ Question 15 (p.414) in the User's Guide. 1) Is the description of this FAQ Question updated according to version 4.5 of SOAtest? I have problems to understand the explanation. 2) Is it possible to make a small example in JavaScript (there are few examples…
Reports - Test count without execution
Is there a way to acquire a count of the individual tests in a specified directory (not test files or suites, but tests inside the suites)? This is for planning purposes so we can estimate effort required to update the tests based on infrastructure/architecture updates. Richard
Support for Sun Studio 11 with Insure++
Insure for Sun Studio 11Could you please let me know if your latest version of the insure++ works with sun studio 11 (Solaris 2.8)
Scripting input field data
Hi there, I would like to know if it is possible to add codes to dynamically define the value of an input field. For example, if I need to perform a boundary test for a date field that allows to be post dated up to 90 days. Instead of inputting a fixed date, and that cannot be regression tested in the future (as the date…
Change XML format for SOAP messages
Is there a way to change how the XML for a soap message is created? For example, is there a way to change what namespaces are assigned to elements? I know this can be done in Literal View, or Form XML, or even scripted XML, but I am hoping there is a more global method. When I use Form Input and add a header for…
What is endpoint of a client (from SOAtest)
If you look into the right habd GUI of any client in SOAtest project, we will see the endpoint with radio button option "Default", "CUstom" and "UDDI service key". whenever new client created in SOAtest the endpoint is same as url specified to create client. Could you provide more details on this how I can use this feature…
Python Scripting to format data
Hey guys, I got this script for doing a format, but I get an error that I can't reconcile. The error states that The Method Takes only one Argument. I've looked for the ValueMap function in the API docs but can't find it. Does anything look out of the ordinary for this script? CODEdef formatPhoneNumber(input, context): #…
Traffic Shaping Question in LoadTest Tools
Hey guys. Is there a way to apply the global Hits/sec or Num of Users traffice schedulintg to individual test cases? Running test cases within test suites (folders) concurrently is a good thing, but i want to be able to ensure that each test case I run executes for either the time allotted or the number of requests…
Write File tool for written record of tests
Hey guys I've been experimenting with the write file tool to keep a record of requests as a data export strategy. It's just easier to upload request/response data to my issue tracking software from an already written file instead of mme being a human database. Finding the test in my test suite clicking the traffice viewer,…
Question about coverage metric scc and mc/dc
I think when simple condition coverage(scc) reaches 100%, then the mc/dc will also be 100%, is this correct? if this is not true, does anyone have some code snapshots to illustrate? thanks.
Suppression messages
How can I get a listing of all the suppression messages for a particular project's analysis? I can display the list of suppression messages, but I can find a way to generate a report. I can't even copy/paste the messages into another Windows program. Are these suppression messages stored in a file somewhere?