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What is endpoint of a client (from SOAtest)

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
If you look into the right habd GUI of any client in SOAtest project, we will see the endpoint with radio button option "Default", "CUstom" and "UDDI service key". whenever new client created in SOAtest the endpoint is same as url specified to create client.
Could you provide more details on this how I can use this feature to manipulate input/output/results of the client? Is this endpoint manipulation varies for both regular web services and WSDM/WS-MAN standards based web services?
Thanks in advance.
Could you provide more details on this how I can use this feature to manipulate input/output/results of the client? Is this endpoint manipulation varies for both regular web services and WSDM/WS-MAN standards based web services?
Thanks in advance.
The endpoint is the address where the service is located. For instance, in the bookstore example WSDL (http://soatest.parasoft.com/store-01.wsdl) the service element has a port element which has a soap:address element with the endpoint in the location attribute. The endpoint in this case is http://ws1.parasoft.com/glue/store-01. This value is what is used for the Default endpoint value in SOAtest.
If you want to use a different endpoint, then you can use one of the other options next to Default. Also, if you want to temporarily change the endpoint during command line testing, you can use the -router option.0