How to corelate same response for multiple request when reponses are same while creating Virtual ass
hi team, Can anyone help me on how to corelate same response for multiple request. Please refer the attached document for more details
SOAtest/Virtualize Not Opening on Mac OS
On Eclipse 4.5 (which comes with SOAtest 9.9) and Mac OS X 10.11, there is a known issue with the workspace launcher freezing (becoming unresponsive) when Virtualize or SOAtest opens up. The workspace launcher is shown but is unresponsive even after clicking on the buttons to select a workspace. You are forced to close…
How to integrate local virtual asset to Parasoft environment manager(CTP)
Hi team, can anyone help on how to integrate local endpoint of virtual asset to parasoft environment manager (CTP)?? Thanks Nihar Arisal
Getting real end point offline error
Hi Team, i am getting real endpoint is offline error when i create new proxy in environment manager. attached image for reference. Can anyone help on this why m getting this error?? Thanks Nihar Arisal
How to work with data repository tool
Hi Team, can anyone help me on how to use data repository as data source for parameterize in soatest / virtual asset.??? Thanks Nihar Arisal
Parasoft Virtualization from record traffic file created from proxy
Hi All, I have created virtual asset using a traffic file which is created by recording proxy. Then i give the virtual asset end point in Soatest to check if it's coming from virtual asset or not. and it's working fine.. But issue is if i change some field or value in traffic file for some responses. that particular…
how to configure all my local VA details into CTP parasoft
Hi Team, can anybody help me on below topics. i am able to create a .tst file with one WSDL and parameterizing the same with excel data source. And after that i successfully record response in traffic file for all request parameters from that excel sheet. Then i created a virtual asset using that record traffic and…
Cleaning up reports storage directory for the SOAtest/Virtualize Server
Starting with version 9.10.4, the SOAtest/Virtualize server can perform test execution jobs. Reports from these jobs are saved in the reports storage directory. The location of the reports storage directory is different on every operating system and depends on the value of the "java.io.tmpdir" property. It is highly…
Virtualize 9.9.3 with all UI controls disabled on macOS Sierra 10.12.5
I've installed with no issues. When I start Virtualize, I get the screen to choose the workspace directory, but all controls are disabled and I can't continue. If I start from the command line like this "virtualize -data /Users/nikola/parasoft/virtualize_workspace", then the same screen doesn't show. The standard Eclipse…
Proxy Need an PVA
I think I know the answer but want to ask to make sure. Does a proxy need to have a PVA?
Query on features Supported
I am a new user to Parasoft Virtualize service and trying to understand the features provided. Inline would like to know if Parasoft Virtualize provides the below features * Scalability: Horizontal and Vertically scalable? * Does it support state maintainability viz., machine states persistence across API calls. * Which…
Failure to Start Monitoring Error on Remote Proxies/Assets
This is a checklist of things to verify if you receive the error "Failure to start monitoring on . Make sure event monitoring is enabled on the server." Being able to monitor the event in Virtualize can be an essential component to determining the flow of events and possibly pointing out where an issue may be occurring.…
Setting Project File Format Without GUI
SOATest supports three different file formats for tsts. Normally, this configuration is made through the SOATest GUI Preferences: Parasoft>Preferences>MISC>>> Save Settings>Project File Format Normally, it is best to leave the default Compressed XML format because of the overall effectiveness of the format,…
Axis2 Logs in Tomcat Folder
Hi Everyone, I just have a few questions regarding the Axis2 log that is being generated under the tomcat folder: * What is it for / What is it logging about? * How do we control it? (ie. limit file size/change archive settings) Im asking this as we recently updated to 9.10 and we noticed that, after a clean install, the…
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace Description: One day you open up your Workspace and either one or multiple Project folders you have been working on are not showing up in the Test Case Explorer of SOAtest or the Virtual Asset Explorer of Virtualize. This behavior usually occurs when the .project file inside of…
Manipulating "Router Endpoint" in "Message Forward" using script
I'm checking for a string and if string's length is not > 0 than I want to change the endpoint If I put my Application.showMessage I can see that I'm in else when the size is not > 0 but the return does not seem to be returning because I get the error Here is my sample code jython code from com.parasoft.api import * from…
DB Datasource is not getting refreshed
I'm using MySQL DB as the datasource and doing Data Source Correlation on it. When new data is getting inserted in the DB it does not do correlation properly until you open the data source and do show column. Is there a setting or something that needs to be turned on so it always pulls latest info from the DB?
Problem to create the virtual asset of superheroe
The atachment is the pva, that is me test, but can´t finish sucessfull, the steps follow the url: https://dzone.com/articles/reducing-costs-by-prototyping-with-service-virtual My version Virtualize is Please help me
3hrs of Performance test
Hi Everyone, We are running a performance test with high volume of users (1500+) against a Virtualize installed on a windows server 2008 R2 and we noticed that: first hour: CPU usage is reaching 40-50% usage third hour: CPU usage is reaching 90-100% usage checked the task manager > process and saw that java.exe is taking…
Lightweight Scripting of Datetime Fields in JSON Responder
Is there a simple way to programmatically alter certain values in an otherwise static JSON response payload with Virtualize? For example, let's say I've defined something like the following as a literal response in a JSON Message Responder: { "foo": "some static value for foo", "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"} I'd like…
Write file tool - to get the specific values written to the file
Hi there, I have a scenario where I need to write the outgoing response (xml ) of a responder to a file. I tried the write file option but it writes the whole xml response to the file. I am just wondering if there is a way where I could get only specific values from the xml to the file? or how could I read only specific…
Dynamic Think Time
Hi Everyone, Im trying to simulate a service that would be sending out empty "attachments" simulating the live system (where it sends actual attachments with varying sizes) and would like to simulate dynamic ThinkTimes For example, 1. 2 documents, it should send out the response after 2 secs 2. 6 documents, it should send…
Can you use a template file to remember correlation criteria?
I created a .pva from recorded traffic (Generate parameterized) and it asks me to put in the request correlation for a few of the responders. Is there a way to use the template file to remember the correlation so I do not have to do it manually if I want to recreate the asset in the future? It sounds like this is…
JSON - Details from Body
Hi, I would like to extract some values from a JSON payload using JSON Databank. I was able to use a sample request and was able to extract Xpath with no errors. However when i send a request from SOA the same template used for JSON Databank i am getting an error. below is the sample request i am sending. I am trying to…
Virtualize JSON Responder - GET. How to Get Details?
Hi Everyone, I need to create a responder to accomodate a GET Rest request sample below: GET /path/{safsadfsadgsadfgsaf}/status HTTP/1.1Accept: application/jsonUser-Agent: ApplicationName/1.0 (env=test; user=testername)X-Request-ID: 123124asdfasdfasdf1124 How do i get the detail that's between {}? as this is changing every…
switch between endpoints
i have an Endpoint virtualized, but i would like to know if possible switch between endpoint virtualized and real through parasoft, could be with a different header
message Proxie SSL
hi, I'm trying to create a message Proxis, the problem is that the server that I need to connect use an SSL certificate, so I'm trying to put in the section security, but the problem is that I have only the certFile (.cert) and keyFile (.PEM), how can i setup the keystore or the trustore for my proxy to have a…
How to install Virtualize Community Edition
Hi everyone, I am making this forum post to help out new users install Virtualize Community Edition on Windows, Linux, or Mac. Windows (UI installation): * After downloading the installer linked from the initial email, execute the exe by double-clicking on the .exe file. * Click run on the popup that appears. * Choose your…
Get the values of two Data Elements with the same name
Hi All, I am trying to grab the values of two tags with the same. See XML structure similar below: 1 2 </Data Set> This XML Structure comes from context Thanks for your help
how to generate and populate localsettings.properties files
localsettings.properties files store important information regarding Parasoft tool's stored configurations as well as project parameters. A localsettings.properties file is required to utilize CLI integration, back up an installation, or transfer configurations from one installation to another. You will first need to to…
How do Responder Suites work?
I am learning and playing with the Community Edition of the SOATest and Virtualize tool. I am working on Virtualizing some services. I am can see that you can create multiple responder suites under a service. But I am confused as to how those work. How would I use those? I have a Service that the base endpoint with others…
Creating a Data Source for a request that contains an array
I have a request that contains an array of account numbers that differs on every request (so it will not always be two account numbers sent), how to i store these values in a excel data source and set up the correlation? Here is the sample request: { "accounts" : [ { "accountNumber" : "55555" }, { "accountNumber" : "66666"…
Virtualize - How to find my current hits/day
In the new service of parasoft, i like the virtualize community edition, but i dont know how to calculate the 11k hits limit per day, please i like that will explain me with more detail
Virtualize Community Edition
With the release of Virtualize Community Edition below are some frequently asked questions: Please refer to this video for exact instructions on how to obtain and validate your license https://fast.wistia.com/embed/iframe/8c9iur4w0r FAQs * Did not receive a download link * Check your spam folder for email with download…
matching an endpoint with a proxy or virtual asset
I think the easiest way to match an endpoint with a proxy or virtual asset would be to open a browser and hit the server with no endpoint. For instance if I were hitting my server to see the enabled virtual assets or enabled proxies I would use http://localhost:9080/ and that would list the enabled virtual assets and…
checking the %CPU utilization of your server
The linux command to list the tasks, memory and %CPU is: top If your processes are started by a service account (parasoft). I think you should be able to limit the list to process started by a user by using: top –u parasoft
Creating a Virtual Asset from traffic
Parasoft Virtualize is a powerful tool that allows users to create virtual endpoints for clientside applications to test against. When creating these virtual endpoints, it is useful to be able to do so via traffic files. The steps on creating these files are detailed in the post here. Step 1: In order to create your asset,…
What are message proxies and how are they used?
When getting started with Virtualize, it is often a good idea to get ahold of some traffic going from your client to your service so that you have a better understanding of the transport between the two. The best way to do this when using Virtualize is by using a message proxy. * The first thing you will want to do when…
Importing Excel files Into a Repository
Parasoft: Importing Excel Files Into a Repository Description: To import data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a data repository, we will need to use the Data Repository Tool. The Data Repository tool specifies what data to import, how to structure it, and what repository data source should include the imported data. The…
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
If you receive a start-up error when starting a Parasoft Test tool with the error message: "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit." followed by another message popup (see images in solution), this may mean there is not enough continuous memory to allocate…
How to un-lock a workspace after a force-close
Description: Parasoft-Test based products (such as SOAtest, Jtest, or Virtualize) are shipped as Eclipse plugins. When Eclipse starts, it opens a workspace - locking it so that other Eclipse instances cannot use the same workspace at the same time. When Eclipse shuts down, this workspace is then un-locked. Cause: When one…
How do I create Mock Services
Hi I have a wsdl file. It has no ednpoints defined. But i want to invoke the service by creating mock response for the wsdl file. How do i achive the same in parasoft soa test.? Thanks Aadith