MakeFile connect problem
I want to proceed with the project static analysis in the built-in version of visual studio. IDE has been delivered to MLXIDE (based on eclipse) and compiler information to eclipse 4.3, and there is an error that does not currently receive #define content. As the header file containing #define content is #included and…
Report generation with a list of suppressions
I want to include a list of suppressions in the report. When i am running c/c++ from eclipse and enable the 'Supressions Details' option the report contains a list of suppressions. But when i run the analysis from cli with -property report.suppressed_msgs=true the report does not contains the list of suppressions.
Amount of issues found with eclipse is different than with cpptestcli
When we analyze our code from Eclipse we use the compile_commands.json file as input. Then we click on the project name and start the analyzation. When we use cpptestcli on terminal the build_commands.json file is also used as input. We set the -workspace argument and the ruleset which should be used. The result is…
Supported Eclipse versions
Parasoft does not ship current versions of Eclipse. The current version is 4.6.1 (2016-2017). I have an engineer that wants to update to a newer version. Is there anything for me to be concerned regarding the current and foreseeable future SOAtest releases?
Display code coverage for CppUTests
My Goal: My project consists of three C++ libraries and a set of existing CppUTest tests that unit test the classes in those libraries. My goal is to see the code coverage, in the libraries that is caused by running the CppUTest tests. The libraries and test are built by CMake. This is in a CentOS-7.2 Linux environment.…
Collect Stub Information Fails To Find Identifier
Hello, I am using Parasofts C/C++ Test in an embedded environment; * IDE: Code Composer Studio v8.2.0.00007 * Device: TMS320f28075 * Compiler: ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.3.LTS * Product: Parasoft C/C++ Test Professional 10.4.2 Whilst trying to run the built in "Collect Stub Information" operation Parasoft cannot find certain…
Soa is crashing while run the Exension File
I am using a extension tool where I am running java script .This script contains winium driver and sikuli apis ,when ever I am running this script.My soa crashed and showing the Error ,as you can see in the attached screenshot .I tried every possibility like add the eclipse ini file add both -vm and mention the javaw.exe…
Running SA & UT to cover conditionally compiled code
I am trying to figure out the best solution for running static analysis and unit tests on all of our C++ code. There are 3 different pieces of hardware that our code runs on. We have sections of our code that are compiled out depending on name we pass in to the compiler, IE: “-DHW1”. This is the primary way our main…
Jtest code in eclipse
Hi, I have generated test class using jtest IDE. I want to run this code in my normal eclipse editor How to do that? How to use this sonarqube?
The ParasoftSOAtest executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library
Hi There, our coop is installing Parasoft SOA Test for the first time in his machine. While installing at the end of the installation he gets a dialog box saying The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library. But SOA completes the installation when he runs the SOA shortcut, it's showing…
Parasoft Example Eclipse Project Unit Testing Gcc Problem
I am working with Parasoft ATM eclipse example. First of all I create bdf file for this ATM project. And I open this project in C++Test ide with using bdf file option. I successfully run static analysis and optain results. Then I create aoutogenerated tests via "Generate unit tests" option. Then I run these test. I obtain…
Generate a Report from Persistent Violations for Static Analysis
When I run Static Analysis over my code base using Eclipse, any violations that pop up will be listed under Quality Tasks. Under the Configuration Running tab (or view), at the conclusion of the run, it states how many quality tasks were found, gives me the progress bar, and then at the bottom allows me to generate a…
Parasoft Static Analysis Jobs are Inconsistent
Hello, I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow…
IDE License Release
We noticed that when we deactivated the license from within the Eclipse IDE plugin for C/C++test, the license is not released on DTP. It appears to hold onto that session for about 10 more minutes or so, before it is released. Is that the expected behavior? If another user were to come in and that deactivated license was…
Ruining c++ from Eclipse - /usr/include/c++/5.4/string:38:28: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such
Hi, I created a simple C++ Hello world project under eclipse on Ubuntu 16. I run Parasoft from the GUI. Where should I update the path for parasoft ? Thanks
What specific functionality does the "Instrument Selected Source File(s)" Check Box have?
By default, when a file is imported into an Eclipse Project, this box is checked. I have looked in your documentation to try to get a specific idea on what "Instrumentation" means and what impact it will have on things like code coverage, static analysis, stubability, etc. For example, if I don't want a file included in…
Hi, I am running CLI command cpptesttrace and cpptestcli on a C++ project on Linux. I have a workspace that has many project dependencies. How can I set up the command line to run in one line command several projects. 1. Create bdf for all project. 2. Run cpptestcli on all bdf files for all projects in worksapce in one…
Test Execution error
Hi, I am using Parasoft C++ 9.5 with Eclipse Luna C++. My project have multiple build configurations, as I have multiple modules in the project, each with its own main class and functions. When I create and execute a unit test for project A, the unit test runs perfectly, flagging out failed test cases properly. However,…
Setting Environment variables and supply arguments
Hi, I am currently using the cpptest plugin v9.5 for Eclipse Luna on a RHEL 7.2 environment. My c++ application requires some command line arguments to be supplied, as well as me setting an environment variable for loading of shared libraries. Where do I set them? In addition, somehow it is unable to find and read the test…
Compare a set of elements of the JSON response to the standard set of elements
I have a JSON reponse with 152 currency codes fields. I need to compare the whole set of currency codes in the response with the standard set of codes. The issue is the currency codes in the JSON response are dynamic and they do not have a order, if they would have I would have added a string comparison and mapped to my…
How to fix java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage while launching SOAtest
Hi Team, We are receiving a error " java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage , An error has occurred. See log file null" while launching SOAtest. I didn't get any help from recent posts in Forum and its blocking the execution. kindly Suggest the solution for this
Standard Process for Upgrading JTest Eclipse Plugin
Hi Parasoft. We recently received your advice on best practice for upgrading Parasoft Desktops / Eclipse plugins. We wanted to share this process on the Forum for other users/customers. Please will you review the process steps and comment if any amendments are needed. The requirement was: to upgrade the JTest Eclipse…
After launching a bugdetective, I get a StackOverFlowError Each time I try to access the results ! And I have to restart eclipse to continue working ! Log file in attachment.
How to compare SOATest files in Eclipse
We have been using Eclipse to checkin and maintain our SOATest projects and files in IBM RTC. We are facing merge conflicts when more than one person is working on the same .tst file and if we are trying to accept someone's changes. Is there an editor where we can compare the SOATest files ? Because the inbuilt Compare…
How to un-lock a workspace after a force-close
Description: Parasoft-Test based products (such as SOAtest, Jtest, or Virtualize) are shipped as Eclipse plugins. When Eclipse starts, it opens a workspace - locking it so that other Eclipse instances cannot use the same workspace at the same time. When Eclipse shuts down, this workspace is then un-locked. Cause: When one…
Eclipse Project Refresh
Prevent Jtest from refreshing projectHi there, Due to a problem with Eclipse I have a project that takes about 5 minutes to refresh (the project contains filed named like Test::Unit::Assert). This seems to be unavoidable without getting Eclipse fixed so I just live with it. However, whenever I try to run a Jtest…
Different workspace during launch of Jtest
How to specify it.Jtest can be configured to use a different workspace by passing the -data tag to the Jtest executable. For example, • Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test -config "team://Team Configuration" -publish -localsettings acme_policy.settings • UNIX: jtestcli -data…