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JVM crashed while launching the soatest 2022.1 from linux virtual server.
JVM crashed while launching the soatest 2022.1 from linux virtual server. And Navigate from parasoft >>preferences ... jvm crashed open jdk 1.8 and 11 .. either way it is not working...
Groovy / Transactions / Question...
I have a question relating to groovy: If I have a table of transactions with each row containing about 5 or 6 fields, and say I have a module that involves each transaction row... I'm trying to think of a way using moduleList that I can somehow identify a transaction in the table reliably without using row numbers and…
Increasing performance with the DTP Engine for Java
For big projects and configurations that have enabled a great quantity of rules (corerules ~650 rules) or memory demanding global rules for the test run, we recommend increasing the Java Virtual Memory for the DTP Engine for Java. According to the article https://dzone.com/articles/java-8-permgen-metaspace, Java 8 has…
Changing the LoadTest Java Version
Edit: To incorporate benken_parasoft suggestion: To change the Parasoft Loadtest Java versions: * Execute Parasoft Loadtest with the "-ask" argument: * A menu will pop up with choices of different Java versions that can be detected and an option to point to a Java installation manually: * Selecting "Ok" will initialize…
Resolving OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space or GC Overhead
Description: When running a Parasoft Test based product, you may see the error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". or "An internal error occurred during: "Building workspace". GC overhead limit exceeded" Cause: This error occurs when Java runs out of memory. Resolution: To resolve this issue, you have two…
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
If you receive a start-up error when starting a Parasoft Test tool with the error message: "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit." followed by another message popup (see images in solution), this may mean there is not enough continuous memory to allocate…
How do I change the maximum heap size of the JVM?
In some cases, the default amount of memory allocated to the JVM in which SOAtest runs may need to be increased when dealing with large test suites or complex scenarios. SOAtest 9.x and 6.x: 32-bit versions use 896MB by default. 64-bit versions use 1792MB by default - 896MB if using SOAtest <9.4 To increase the maximum…
"Could not create Java Virtual Machine" error upon launching SOAtest
SOAtest is showing this error when I click on SOAtest iconHi (Parasoft) , I have problem in launching my SOAtest IDE , Whenever I click on the SOAtest icon on the desktop it shows an error pop up “Could not create the Java Virtual Machine” I know that this is because JVM consumption and I did try launching from command…
How do I get rid of the error
Error occured during initial. of VMThis VM failure sometimes happens on machines with large amounts of memory, usually over 3 gigs. To fix this, we will need to pass an argument to SOAPtest to change the amount of memory allocated to the JVM in which SOAPtest runs. You will need to find out how much memory is available on…