WebTest: how to close browser window?
I am using WebTest in SOAtest 6.1. I am running multiple test suites at one time and every time one suite is finished, I like to close the IE or Firefox browser completely before the next suite starts. How can I do that? Do I need to write a script to complete this task? Thanks.
View Web Scenario in Reports
Is it possible to view screenshots from the Web Scenario recordings / tests in a report? If so, how can it be done?
Anyone providing Parasoft SOA Test online training?
Hello All, I am looking for a Parasoft online trainer urgently. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks, Arindam. Email : arindam.itsme@gmail.com arindam dot itsme at gmail.com
Is it possible run data driven test cases concurrently in Parasoft web test?
Hi All, I have created two test suites with separate data source. Each suite have set of web test cases. I have configured execution options for both suites as shown in above image. And All test cases got passed. I have selected "Test run concurrently" option and tried with test relationship option as "Test run as…
Query on data driven approach for web functional test cases
Hi All, I am new to Parasoft web tool . I have created web functional test case with below data source. And I have created below two test cases 1. To launch browser with navigate URL from data source * To type text into search field using Xpath and Value from data source While executing test cases, browser automatically…
Is it possible to create reusable functional modules in Parasoft web test?
Is it possible to create reusable functional modules , similar to creating functions in Java, e.g. Login module, Registration module, etc so that they can be consumed while creating test suites ?
Switch to new window using Parasoft web test
I'm new to parasoft. I want to switch to new window. I see that there is a field in the browser playback tool named as "Window". I'm assuming this is the place where window details can be given. I'm not sure what value it accepts. e.g window title, or window url or count of window. Any help would be appreciated.
Databank attached to browser testing tool causes "No data source column named" error
When performing an extraction after a browser test and using that extraction to define the element in the very next test, an error stating "No data source column named..." is thrown. This article explains how to avoid this scenario. Take a look at this setup: User-added image In this scenario, Test 1 uses a Browser Data…
Pre/Post Browser Contents does not displaying on 32-bit Linux machine
The following steps resolve the render not displaying on 32-bit Linux machines: Shut down SOAtest if it is running In the SOAtest installation directory, navigate to: eclipse/plugins Move out the x86_64 version of the com.parasoft.xtest.mozilla.xulrunner.eclipse.core.web plugin directory to a different directory (such as…
Screenshots on failure for browser tests using Selenium WebDriver
As of SOAtest 9.10.2 you can automatically take screenshots when browser tests running with Selenium WebDriver fail. This lets you see what happened in the browser even if you weren't able to watch it happen during the test run. SOAtest can save your screenshots to a folder or embed them directly into HTML reports. For now…
Recording web scenario requiring logon
Hi, I'm not able to record a web scenario and can't figure out what's wrong. If I start Chrome (or IE) manually and navigate to the website to test, I'm prompted for authentication (browser logon dialog, not a logon page in the website). After providing my credentials, I access the site... When SOATest starts Chrome (or…
How to dynamically add xml tag to a soap request?
My groovy is generating an xml tag and need to inject it in a soap request? what are the probable way in which we can handle this scenario?
How to Find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest
Parasoft: How to find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest Description: It can be helpful to know what version of Selenium is shipped with SOAtest when there are browser/playback complications during testing. This can help us determine whether or not the prepackaged Selenium version is supported by a particular…
How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements
Parasoft: How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements Description: In some applications, we may come across dynamic elements whose ids/xPaths change every time the web page reloads. This can become challenging to extract/validate such elements. Below are a few techniques used to handle dynamic elements. Solution:…
Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox
Parasoft: Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox Description: The latest version of SOAtest 9.10.0 comes prepackaged with Selenium-Version: 2.53.1. Currently, there is no version of Selenium (non-Marionette) Firefox driver that fully supports Firefox48 and higher. This is not a limitation of the…
How to extract URL from response of one test and launch that URL in a separate window
Launch URL from response in a browserI am trying to grab the data from <sURL> returned from one test and launch a browser with the URL data in SOAtest. The goal is to continue the web functional testing separately. Here's what I have tried so far: Add Output > SOAP Envelope > XML Data Bank > Add XPath Add Output > SOAP…
Evaluating an XPath from a xhtml document
Hi I'm trying to use a XML data bank to extract an element from this XHTML web page: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head><title /></head><body…
Web UI functional test mouse-over menu [Pre- 9.7]
Hi I would like to know if there is a specific way to enable object recognition/interaction with Ajax/JavaScript mouse-over menu's. SOATest is having problems with firing a click on a mouse-over menu with the default settings. Thanks in advance.
Checking accessibility of colour in CSS
Is it possible to check the colour combination for font and background when the style is controlled by CSS. I need to scan a page and check if the colour difference and brightness meet the accessibility standards. like the report that can be produced by Jucie Studio…
How to access a window or frame's document
when chaining an extension tool to a browser testing toolThese examples are intended for use when chaining an Extension tool to a Browser Testing Tool, used in a Web Functional Test. getDocument is overloaded as follows: CODEgetDocument(); // gets the document for the main window getDocument(String windowName); // gets the…