Copying Suites Breaks Groovy File Path
I was trying to build a Virtual Asset from component VAs. However, when copying responder suites, the relative file path of a groovy file used in extension tool is broken during the copying process. This is despite the fact that the "persist as relative path" option is enabled. Please advise why copying responder suite…
Need Help with Handling Request XML Data
Hi There, Hope you are doing well. I am developing a virtual service in Parasoft and the sample Request XML is below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <s:Header> </s:Header> <s:Body> <WorkItem> <IncomingData> <Enquiry> <EnquiryUId>3</EnquiryUId>…
Extension Tool SQL Data Capturing into Datasource
Hi All I am fetching the data from DB Sql query using Extension Tool the Data is fetching successfully & showing in Console but the issue is i am not getting how to capture those Data and store in Datasource for future usage , Can someone help me on this.
Update/remove default headers using Extension Tool
Is there a way I can remove a default HTTP header being sent by response? for example, removing Content-Length key and value from the response headers.
How to take key which defined in json data bank's custom column name box in the groovy script?
I want to use variable in groovy script which I have defined in json data bank's custom column name section.
Correlation based off a value in Request Body
I need some assistance with this issue. A teammate is trying to set up a responder correlation based off a value incoming from the request service. The issue is that this value is within the element and I need to set up correlation based on that specific value / id within. The section of the request body contains that…
Call Java Function in JAR File
I have a java function outside of the message flow I am testing that takes a string, processes it, and then returns another string. I need to call this function and store the returned string for use in another test. Do I want to use the External Tool, Extension Tool or something else? How do I connect to the jar file?…
Fetch values through ExtensionToolContext
I want to fetch the tst file name, test suite names , URLs and request body through the extension tool context , let me know how this can be retrieved.
Verify PDF Document is Created
I have an application that can created a PDF report of the data displayed on the screen. Is there some way for SOATest to verify that the report is created when the button is clicked? I only need to make sure that the PDF document is created. I don't need to examine the contents of the document. Would the Extension Tool…
Scripting Issue: Trying to get value in adjacent cell in Table Data Source
I have a script which is using a table data source within Virtualize. In that table there are two columns, num and ID. The value of num is extracted from the request via XML databank and is stored as a variable in the responder suite, titled key. Key = num I have another variable that stored the ID value in a variable…
How to store array to writable data source using Extension tool
I know if I have to retrieve a column from datasource I can do like this ArrayList list = context.getValues("data","C"); but what to do if I want to store array into the writable datasource from extension tool script
Conditionally extract json response using Extension tool
I want to extract content for all titles having Red color from given Json response so I can send it in next Request. eg. response:- { "titles":[ { "name": "T1", "color": "Red" }, { "name": "T2", "color": "Green" }, { "name": "T2", "color": "Red" } ], "content":[ "T1": "Some description 1", "T2": "Some description 2", "T3":…
How to debug Extension tool and check the logs
I have a simple goovy method in Extension tool that I want to debug and see the output. When I click on Evaluate button I do not see anything happening. When I run this test it simply fails with following message in Console. Test 2: Extension Tool - failure Test failed I tried to put println statements but nothing gets…
Encode / Decode base64 with javascript?
Hi, I need to decode base64 encoded output of a rest service and compare the decoded result with a value from a database, but I don't know how. I understood that it is possible to decode with javascript, but how can this be done? This is the scenario: * JSON call to a REST service returns a encoded value. * I saved this…
Get Current time in Milliseconds
I am trying to generate a timestamp of the current time but in milliseconds. Is there a scripting option to do this, perhaps Extension tool, or is it possible to generate it via the Data Generator Tool?
Scripting Issue: Trying to get a particular value in a column
I have a script where I generate a key based on the request. This key is a value listed in the first column in a table, and the script should return the value of the corresponding value next to the key value. Ex: In column 1 my key is A and I need to return the value next to it BC. So far my script results in an error when…
Using Extension Tool to capture the request code
I have an instance where I need to capture the incoming request, and find part of the code marked by an unique identifier and return it as my request for my responders. How can I code this effectively? Here is the code I have so far that I got from another application, but not sure if it works in Virtualize: function…
Need a method which can trigger a specific test from the java code
I have a TestSuite which has number of Tests (lets say 20 Test),now I want to execute Test number 4 and 7 from java code using extension tool.Could let me know how do I trigger a specific test from the java code i.e. which method I have to use call to trigger that specific test? Note:-I can't use command-line feature as it…
Triggering SOAtest TestSuite Runs Using Java Code Internally through ExtensionTool
Requirement:- 1) I have a set of TestSuites In a Project. 2) I want to use Extension Tool that'll call Java code or another supported prmm. language. 3)Code will run the desired TestSuite on basis on some conditions that I'll set. Any Help appreciated. :smile:
Arguments for extension tool
How do I pass arguments for extension tool. I see that extension tool accepts 0,1 and 2 arguments . how do I modify the changes.
Extension tool error
When trying to execute a java code through extension tool I see the below error, Please suggest on the same. Additional Details: argument type mismatch java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at…
getGeneratedDataSourceValues returning null
I'm trying to make a script in incoming Request -> payload, but when i try to put some values to use in response i'm receiving a null pointer. I'm getting the data source with context.getGeneratedDataSourceValues(). Anyone have any idea about what could I be doing wrong?
SOA Test DBTool is returning Null value for correct query
Hi, DB tool with Oracle is returning null value. The same query in Toad returns valid record from DB. Sometime if we execute DB tool multiple times it might reflect any record (which is intermittent). Also if we parameterize the query it shows record for only for the last parameter(in-case if it returns any record) Even I…
Extension Tool not showing script methods or errors
hi guys, I changed a couple scripts in my scenario. Now when I open an extension tool it doesn't show the methods in the jython script anymore. 'error message' and also the 'Evaluate' button do not show any error message. is there an additional source for errors I could check to find what I did wrong? pydev code analysis…