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Discussion List
How to access active environment name in localsettings.properties file
I've multiple environments (like QA, SIT, UAT) where test suites executed. I'm getting the report in my inbox, but I need to have active environment name in subject line, like report.mail.subject= API Execution Report - {Environment name where it executed} I tried these but won't fetching the environment name - env_name,…
Accessing Environment variables
Hi all, I am facing issue with accessing the variables defined in Environments. Hard coded values are working as expected but when parameterised from Environment files, it throws error as unable to fetch values. Scenario: I am having a scenario where I need to pass the wsdl and endpoint URL to the test. The value is…
Environment Variable Masking
Hi, I have a requirement to mask variable in external env file and use it in the script. Here is what i did In Soatest UI in my environment i right-click masked the value and exported the env It created variable value with mask-true and encrypted value Eg original value:Token After export env file masked value…
Example of datagroupConfig and environmentConfig cli options
This article builds upon the explanation provided in the SOAtest Documentation under the following section: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/CLI+Options XML Files for datagroupConfig and environmentConfig The files are specified in the following format: Make note of the forward slashes to separate directories…
Workspace and project path from script
I need to access files saved to my workspace from Groovy script. How can I get the path to my workspace and project?
Using System and Environment Variables in your scripts
You can use system/ environment variables in your scripts. Here is a simple example from com.parasoft.api import *from java.lang import Systemdef systemVariables (input, context): #This is for Windows Application.showMessage("COMPUTERNAME = " + str(System.getenv("COMPUTERNAME"))) #This is for Linux…
How to access SOAtest Environment variable?
from Extension toolHow would one access defined variables in the Environments feature from within the Extension tool? I don't see anything that addresses this defined in the Scripting API...