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Running Maven with SOAtest
Parasoft offers a Maven integration plugin that will allow you to execute SOAtest analysis on project with Maven. Please follow the steps below if you would like to have SOAtest execute during your Maven process: * Before you can use the Parasoft Test Maven plugin, you need to add the "http://build.parasoft.com/maven"…
How to upload new Test config properties files to DTP 5.4 server ?
Hi, using DTP 5.4 doTtest 10.4 c++Test 10.4. How to upload new Test config properties files to DTP 5.4 server ? Is it related to license ? Thanks Eldad
Configuring MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04 for DTP
With Ubuntu 18.04, they changed how they operate and how packages are installed with apt-get. For one, the MySQL server installation no longer asks for a root password at startup and this will need to be configured in another part. The way MySQL authenticates was changed as well and this too will need to be updated. To…
Configuring and troubleshooting the JIRA Traceability Widget
After installing the DTP Enterprise Pack and installing the JIRA Traceability Widget, it might be confusing on where you put the data for your JIRA server and the authentication needed to access it. Also, it might seem confusing to get the data to appear in the widget the way you want it too. These steps are to help…
Unable to connect Enterprise Pack when DTP Server is only configured for SSL
DTP Supports use cases where no HTTP port is available. DTP Enterprise Pack does verification of configuration settings to help users when they make mistakes. When DTP is configured to only use SSL, the check for the web port "http://[dtp_hostname]:[web_port]/grs/welcome.jsp" redirects to the HTTPS equivalent which is…
How to change the severity of a static analysis rule
Changing the severity of a static analysis rule: * Open the Test Configuration window from Parasoft > Test Configurations * Select any Test Configurations in the right-hand pane, and go to the Static > Rule Tree tab. Find the id of the rule you want to edit. The id is at the end of the string in the square brackets -- the…
How do I use Jtest Configurations with jtestcli?
Typically, jtestcli invocations follow this pattern:* Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% * UNIX: jtestcli -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% [/list] -config…