Timeout is normal
I have a piece of code that should wait on a semaphore for forever if everything is working OK. /*Setup threads and wait*/ sem_wait(&semaphore); //Wait for forever unless program termination is required. /*Case for exit conditions*/ and should only fail if one of the child threads releases the semaphore, meaning some…
LNK 2001 and LNK 2019 errors
link time error at test case compilationHi everyone, I would like to introduce you my brand new link time problem. And here it is. LNK 2001 and LNK 2019 errors. Here, you can find my ProjectConfigurations/LinkerOptions tab settings; At User Libraries combobox; LINKER OPTIONS /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"C:\Qt\4.2.1\lib"…
Including junit user defined tests.
How to include my junit tests with JtestMy question is how do I import unit test cases that already exist and are defined with Junit into my Jtest?
How to examine data that was sent standard out
Data sent to standard out from a file1. Create a simple function that will accept two arguments, a filename and mode File: try.c -------------cut---------------------- /* try.c */ #include <stdio.h> /* the foo function will accept the name of the file and the mode as arguments*/ /* and pass the values to fopen, then prints…
How can Jtest leverage my existing JUnit tests?
Parasoft Jtest can leverage your existing test cases in a couple of ways. First, during test execution Jtest will automatically detect your existing JUnit tests, and provide a combined report for all the tests executed. This report will include comprehensive code coverage calculations and all exceptions found. Second,…
How do I build and test robust Web Services with Jtest
Testing any and all Java components that depend on the presence of web containers, application servers, or messaging layers can be very complex. To ensure that these components are operating properly, a two-fold testing approach is recommended. 1. Test your implementation layer: Use Parasoft Jtest to analyze this code-- as…
C++ Test Data Source Generation Issue
C++ Test Data Source Generation IssueWhat headings do I need to use in a CSV file to enable setting of Buffer[0], Buffer[1], etc. for the following function: unsigned char CalculateChecksum(unsigned char *Buffer,unsigned char Length).
Does Jtest generate standard JUnit test cases?
Yes, Jtest automatically generates standard JUnit test cases and allows you to extend/modify these test cases in the standard JUnit manner, with real Java code. Additionally, it gives you the option of adding more test cases graphically (using a graphical object editor and a graphical test case editor with data source and…
Testing Abstract and Interface classes
Does Jtest test Abstract and Interfaces?YES. Coding standards is performed on Abstract and Interface classes. And Unit Testing is performed as following: Abstract classes are tested by making an anonymous class that extends it and implements the abstract methods Interfaces are tested by just loading the class so static…
why JTest can not generate negative int for me
My class has a addBalance(int money) method, why test cases generated by JTest always generate positive param for this method, why not generate negative param calss constructor seen below: public BankAccountSimple(String customer, int deposit) { if (!validCustomer(customer)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad…
Clarification on Pre, Post nodes - Unit Testing
How to use themHi, I am unable to completely understand the Pre, Post and the OutCome Conditions in .TEST -Unit Testing I have a method which does not take any parameters nor return any parameters. The method when called , uses a public variable and performs some manipulations to the variable so that the value of the…
Is this configurable?We're running into a problem where some of the code needed to build and run one of our test cases takes longer than 30 seconds, but Jtest times out with the jtest.TimeoutError error. Is this error configurable or bypassable? Thanks.
Generating and running Unit Tests
The documentation says for the option 'Generating and Run Unit Tests' the Jtest generates Test Cases for classes without existing test classes and classes with old test classes. If i change the code and the old test cases are no longer valid, will this option overwrite the old test class with new teast cases or will it use…
Skipping classes or resources.
How do you skip classes for testing?How do you skip class that you do not want to test in Jtest? 1. Right Click on the Project select Properties 2. From the "Properties for <project_name>" click on Parasoft. 4. Click on Scope Settings. 6. You will see "Resources to skip: " Click on "Add" button. 5. Choose the files you do…