SOAtest, Virtualize, CTP 2023.2 Product Release Announcement
We're pleased to present the newest version of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP, focused on enhancing your software quality practices with efficient and reliable test automation. This release introduces seamless integrations with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI LLM providers, enabling effortless generation of API tests from…
How to validate json using groovy script
Hii, i want to validate below json column and their value using groove script but it seems bot working for me. Can anyone let me know [ “Type” : health “Date”: “2021-09-09” { Department { “Name”: “abc” “Id”: “123” } “Expensive” { “Type “ : “abc” “Amount “: “123”}
How to parameterize the "Variable Condition" field in the "TestFlowLogic" of "Execution Options" tab
I want to parameterize the Variable Condition field present inside Scenario >> Execution Options >> Test Flow Logic >> Variable Condition. I want to take the value from "Environments" or "Data Sources". The traditional way of specifying "${some_variablename}" is NOT working
Groovy REST Request - Scripted Input
When creating a REST request, I have three options for the data I send 1) Fixed, 2) Parameterized, and 3) Script I am attempting to use the script option to create a groovy script that will generate a random number each time I run a test. This is the script I have so far and I'm seeing the error "Argument count should be 0…
Need a help to setup Client side SSL.
Need a help to setup Client side SSL. I have Private Key(.key) and Public Key(.cert) need to be configured in SOATEST in order to validate HTTPS. As per information provided in Parasoft document following steps has been taken. 1) KeyStore has been created under Test Suite (right click on Test Suite -> Add new --> Global…
Anyone providing Parasoft SOA Test online training?
Hello All, I am looking for a Parasoft online trainer urgently. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks, Arindam. Email : arindam.itsme@gmail.com arindam dot itsme at gmail.com
Commas in the parasoft API URL
Hi There My question is- Does comma is accepted in the API URL in Parasoft 9.10 ? Postman works for certain URL when passed with comma but when the same URL passed in Parasoft , it returns Bad request When I am passing this orderBy=companyCd,asc&orderBy=fundCd,desc&page=1&pageSize=10 I see in the Transport the request…
Is there any option/flag for the user to turn ON/OFF Regression/Diff Control for all tests at once
I want to turn ON/OFF (enable/disable) Regression/Diff Control for all my tests before starting my execution. Is there a place where i can control this setting?
Parasoft SOA test is getting hanged when i try to invoke a 2MB size excel file into data source?
Hello, I am using Parasoft SOA test 9.9. * Create a .tst. * trying to add a excel sheet to data source (excel file size is almost 2MB). everytime I import the excel , I am getting an error that Parasoft is not responding or the tool get freezed. I will have to go to Task manager to end the process. Is there any limit in…
how to preview HTML response using parasoft SOA test 9.9
When I try to Execute GET Call using PostMan, I am getting successful response and I can see HTML page content in response. where as when I use the same GET Call url in parasoft via REST Client , I am getting http:307 and header has a redirect url. * can someone help me understand why the behavior is different in Parasoft…
Compare a set of elements of the JSON response to the standard set of elements
I have a JSON reponse with 152 currency codes fields. I need to compare the whole set of currency codes in the response with the standard set of codes. The issue is the currency codes in the JSON response are dynamic and they do not have a order, if they would have I would have added a string comparison and mapped to my…
how can I validate the field name? in parasoft SOA test
Hello, i want to add an assertion to check the field name is returned as per schema. para soft SOA test 9.9 e.g: "status" : { "serverStatusCode" : "401", "severity" : "ERROR", if I want to check field name "severity" is returned as expected. we have standard assertions to validate the field values , But to add check point…
Retrieval date format
Is there a way to validate the retrieval date format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ – Ex. 2017-06-26T01:00:
How to dynamically add xml tag to a soap request?
My groovy is generating an xml tag and need to inject it in a soap request? what are the probable way in which we can handle this scenario?
how to validate if response field is expected to return X and Y.
Hello , I want to assert on a a response field(string comparison assert) . But the response field value returns X and Y . Both values are Valid. I want my assertion to pass the test in both cases. I know we can assert on one expected value. can you please advise which assertion to use to validate the same field with two…
Parasoft SOA test, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out datasource
Hello, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out data source. we press f9 to Run the test once , can we do it in any other way to RUN the same 100 times. if we use excel sheet, then yes , we can cope the same data to 100 rows and RUN all rows. but my requirement is i am not using excel sheet. tool : parasoft SOA test…
I want to truncate first few numbers in 16 digit number using xpath(databank)
Hello, I am using data bank to retrieve a value to use in subsequent test. But I want to truncate the value and need only last 4 digits of 16 digit value. This is the x-path /root/card[1]/value[1]/text() This is the result of x-path. 4506446460519412 when I press evaluate x-path , i should only get last 4 digits "9412" can…
Using SOA Test tool to get Healthcheck of servers
I was looking for a solution to create Test Suite to check servers. I have URL