Debugging a .dll with Insure++
You will need to debug the process in which that the dll actually runs. If you know the name of the executable that loads the dll, and can run that executable by hand, the simplest approach is to simply run that executable under InsureSpy.exe, inject.exe, or Visual Studio's debugger by clicking "Insure++ Debug" within…
How to debug Extension tool and check the logs
I have a simple goovy method in Extension tool that I want to debug and see the output. When I click on Evaluate button I do not see anything happening. When I run this test it simply fails with following message in Console. Test 2: Extension Tool - failure Test failed I tried to put println statements but nothing gets…
How to debug Selenium Tests created by Parasoft Selenic
Parasoft Selenic makes it easy to record web UI workflows in Chrome and create/run Selenium test scripts in Eclipse, but what if you need to debug those test scripts? The Debug menu in Eclipse will fail the test right away with an IllegalStateException because the path to the Chrome WebDriver was not set. You will not have…
How to debug Java code and get Console output when using Java extension tool ?
Hi, I am using an extension tool to connect to a Java project (SOATest Java project) and when I run the test scenarios, I cannot access the console output of the Java code (System. out.println statements). Is there a way to access it ? Also, if I get an error in the Java extension tool code, how do you recommend debugging…
Getting java error, when trying to open a project/tst file.
Error Details: java.io.ioexception:com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException:Received non-all-whitespace characters or cdata event in nextTag(). at [row,col{unknown-source}]:[8348,48]. Please help with resolving the issue.
C/C++test Data Flow Analysis Performance Debugging Log
To get information about how long it takes to process each file and how long it takes to do each of the Data Flow (Bug Detective) analysis phase, set up the following flags in the Parasoft > Preferences > Technical Support > Advanced options (make sure Advanced options are enabled): CPPTEST_TIME_STATISTICS_PER_FILE=true…
Unix debugger
Is it possible to change the default debugger from gdb to ddd?
Strange variable and pointer values in debugger with Insure++
In running an insure built executable under the debugger when examining things like READ_UNINIT_MEM errors that insure has reported you may notice '0xdeadbeef' Or '0xefbeadde' (depending on whether you're on a big endian or a little endian machine) in hex the registers This is part of how insure checks for things that are…
Getting summaries from programs that don't exit
If you have a program that runs perpetually i.e client/server application daemon, service or something similar to any of these. You will typically not get a summary from insure because insure does not create the summaries until after exit has been called. There are couple of things that can be done about this 1. you can…
How do I debug a COM object with Insure++?
COM objects are always run in some process. Often, you will know if a COM object is "in process" or "out of process". Either way, the COM object is in some process, and that process must be debugged with InsureSpy.exe, inject.exe, or Visual Studio through clicking on the "Insure++ Debug" button. You cannot attach to a…
Debugging child process from inject
Debug child process from inject?Hello, I've been using the "Debug child processes" flag in insra (in File > Run dialog) to debug a console application on Windows. I would like to do something similar with inject on the command line. I looked through the docs and couldn't find any inject option to do this. Thanks in…