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Discussion List
How to properly set up a unit test with a data source?
I'm trying to set up a unit test that imports a file of inputs and outputs as a data source. I think i've got the columns mapped properly, but every line reports "Signal SIGSEGV caught: segmentation fault [CPPTEST_SIGSEGV]", coming from the suite .cpp file where the data source is declared:…
Modify value of output parameter in Test Case Editor ??
Hello, I have a stubbed function like this : int StubFunc(short * param) (Which is supposed to store a value at the address pointed to by param, so, an output parameter) In order to correctly cover my code, I need to be able to modify the value of param when a stub call is made like the original function would do. However…
Test Case Editor
Hi, I have some issues to create a test case with the editor of this function (which is a 1st order filter): _void Filter1stOrder ( T_1STORDFLT_VAL * p_ptVal, /*in out*/ const T_1STORDFLT_COEFF * p_ptCoeff, /*in*/ VCMS_real fIn, /*in*/ VCMS_real * p_fOut, /*in out*/ ) { *p_fOut = (p_ptCoeff -> fXiCoeff) * fIn; *p_fOut +=…