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Discussion List
How to Save Test Suite
We're trying to save a Linux test suite (using git) so we can share it among developers. The existing suite contains several hidden files (.parasoft, .cproject, .project, .metadata) that contain absolute paths to the original suite locations, which breaks badly when we try to reuse the project elsewhere. How can we save…
About Stub function
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here and I surfed lots of articles in 'help contents', but still got little sense about stub functions. Suppose that I have a source data library and use it in a Test Case writen by my own. And I want to know more information(for instance, the variable values calculated in one section inside the…
Test Case Editor
Hi, I have some issues to create a test case with the editor of this function (which is a 1st order filter): _void Filter1stOrder ( T_1STORDFLT_VAL * p_ptVal, /*in out*/ const T_1STORDFLT_COEFF * p_ptCoeff, /*in*/ VCMS_real fIn, /*in*/ VCMS_real * p_fOut, /*in out*/ ) { *p_fOut = (p_ptCoeff -> fXiCoeff) * fIn; *p_fOut +=…