IntelliSense on the scripting

Is there a way to get "IntelliSense" working when doing scripting in the extension tool? I am thinking not but want to make sure. I would assume an option would be to do it outside of Parasoft in another eclipse instance or is there some setting to allow this?
Unfortunately SOAtest script editors (including in the Extension Tool) do not support IntelliSense. I agree that you could write the scripts in a standard Eclipse editor - it could actually be the Eclipse instance from SOAtest. Just create a file with a type that matches the scripting language that you are doing, and write your script. Then you could copy paste the code into your script editor. Or - you can reference the script file from your Extension Tool rather than pasting the code in directly. If you are doing Java, you would just create a standard Java Eclipse project, configure it with the dependencies, and then you can reference that project from the System Properties preferences in SOAtest. See and,+.tst+files,+and+Test+Suites#AddingProjects,.tstfiles,andTestSuites-UsingEclipseJavaProjectsinSOAtest.