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Local pathnames in the .parasoft file.

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
Sharing projects and test assets through source control requires checking in a .parasoft file (if present) among others, but sometimes it contains local pathnames.
For a number of technical reasons, when updating that .parasoft file, C++test will dump all (internally registered) properties (with their default values, which sometimes contain absolute paths - like system TEMP dir etc.) - even the ones that are not directly connected to the current "Options source" mode. For instance, sometimes "make.working.dir" or "cdt.configuration" values can be defined in .parasoft file with the local pathnames - they will be ignored as non applicable (for the current "Options source" mode).
A .parasoft file can be safely shared between users as long as the values that can be configured in GUI do not contain any absolute paths.
Please note, that ".parasoft" file is modified only when an user explicitly introduces/applies changes to project properties.
For a number of technical reasons, when updating that .parasoft file, C++test will dump all (internally registered) properties (with their default values, which sometimes contain absolute paths - like system TEMP dir etc.) - even the ones that are not directly connected to the current "Options source" mode. For instance, sometimes "make.working.dir" or "cdt.configuration" values can be defined in .parasoft file with the local pathnames - they will be ignored as non applicable (for the current "Options source" mode).
A .parasoft file can be safely shared between users as long as the values that can be configured in GUI do not contain any absolute paths.
Please note, that ".parasoft" file is modified only when an user explicitly introduces/applies changes to project properties.