Adding IMS Transport via SOAVIRT API
I am making a PUT call to /v6/virtualAssets to set up the transports. I want to add IMS, however I am not certain what to include in the JSON for that. I currently have an "ims" element with a "port" and also a "workerCount' element. Can you share the appropriate JSON for IMS? Thanks JT
I am not sure what the IMS Transport is? Do you mean JMS or is IMS a custom listener? Based on the comment about a port and workerCount I am going to guess its custom listener. In the PUT payload there is a "custom" section, an example of it might be
"custom" : { "className" : "", "properties" : [ { "name" : "port", "value" : "111111" }, { "name" : "workerCount", "value" : "1" } ] }
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Thank looks good to me. Thanks!
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Glad I could help!
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Hi Bill,
I am using your JSON above as the format for adding the IMS listener to my deploy, however it does not seem to be working. I do see that the IMS custom transport is referenced in the response body JSON, however the port and numThreads values I pass in are not shown. Also, when I open the deployment on the server I can see that IMS is selected under custom transports, however again there are no values for the port and numThreads.
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the property names I am using are port and numThreads
tried both as String and numeric0 -
and the 1.3 version of the IMS listener jar is in the system_jars folder on the server
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Try making a GET - /virtualAssets/{id} call on a preconfigured asset to ensure you're using the correct classname for your custom listener.The following payload updated my deployment successfully. Give it a try.
{ "name": "ims_listener_test", "pvaLocation": { "id": "/VirtualAssets/ims_listener_test.pva" }, "enabled": true, "description": "Testing IMS listener deployment using REST API", "transports": { "http": { "path": "/ims_listener_test" }, "custom": { "className": "com.parasoft.virtualize.listener.ims.ImsMessageListener", "properties": [ { "name": "numThreads", "value": "100" }, { "name": "port", "value": "12345" } ] } } }
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Thanks. Your post helped me fix the issue. I was missing the .ims portion of the package name.
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Hey Bill,
Is there a way to set up a test client in SOAtest that can be used to test an IMS-based virtual asset?
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Since it's a protocol that is not supported out of the box you would probably need to look into creating a custom transport, similar to how a custom listener was created for Virtualize. Then a client in SOAtest could use that custom transport to test.