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ALM triggering SOATest 2021.2 via VAPI script using SOA CLI exe require license?

huiraym Posts: 12

as what the subject says... when i try running it, i got an error. Is it true that after soa 2020 version, parasoft came up with addditional license which you will need CLI license to run test cases from ALM?


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,291 ✭✭✭

    A "Command Line" or "Automation Edition" license is not required. The VAPI script passes the "-qualityCenter" argument which only requires a general or "Desktop Edition" SOAtest license.

  • huiraym
    huiraym Posts: 12

    Thank you.

  • huiraym
    huiraym Posts: 12

    thank you for your response.