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Using cpptestcli to create coverage report

Senji Posts: 1

I've copied the cpptest-coverage.cmake to my project and included it into my CMake project.
Inside the cpptest-coverage.cmake I modified the following line:
to have all temporary files in my build folder.

I see in the make build that the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER uses cpptestcc and that my unit tests link against libcpptest_static.a

Furthermore I see that my .psrc is taken into account where I defined the workspace to the same build target directory as defined in CPPTEST_COVERAGE_WORKSPACE:


The result after running my unit tests is the file:



Now i want to create a coverage report with cpptestcli.

/opt/e3sdk/parasoft-cli/cpptest/cpptestcli -showdetails -publish -localsettings /workspaces/project/scripts/parasoft/cpptest-config/cpptest.settings -data /workspaces/project/build/cpptest-coverage/project_app -import /workspaces/project/build/cpptest-coverage/project_app -report /workspaces/project/build/cpptest-report -config "builtin://Load Application Coverage" -appconsole stdout

The result is:

Parasoft C/C++test Professional 2023.1.1 ( -- Copyright (C) 2023 Parasoft Corporation

[0%] Importing 1 project(s)...
[0%] Creating project project_app...
[0%] Create.
[30%] ...failed, problem occurred: "Invalid project description. /workspaces/project/build/cpptest-coverage/project_app overlaps the workspace location: /workspaces/project/build/cpptest-coverage/project_app"
[100%] ...1 out of 1 projects successfully imported.
[100%] Done

It looks like I'm doing something wrong with the -import and -data parameter.
What is the right combination so that cpptestcli creates a coverage report based on the project_app.clog ?



  • mzwawa
    mzwawa Posts: 21

    Hi Senji,
    when working with the CMake extension for code coverage analysis I would suggest using C/C++test Standard instead of C/C++test Professional. The latter is more suitable to work with its unit testing framework and it is a bit more more complex for setup of new projects on CLI.
    Here you will find an example of collecting code coverage from CMake based projects using C/C++test Standard: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPTEST20241/Collecting+Application+Coverage+for+CMake+Projects
    If you need a flexible solution for CMake and VS Code integration, which provides extensive reporting for multiple coverage metrics (including MC/DC), you may look at the new Parasoft solution C/C++test CT. For more details, you will need to contact your sales representative.
