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License issue for CPPTEST 2021.1.1

ismyhairnice Posts: 2

I have a container image running the parasoft cpptestcli, the version is "Parasoft C/C++test Professional 2021.1.1 (" that connects to standalone license server with floating license type. Everytime i run the command, the error shows:

Using default workspace "/home/parasoft/parasoft/workspace"
ERROR: License: Main feature "C++test" status: This license is for the wrong machine.
ERROR: Error: No valid license (MachineId: LINUX2-e804a457)

One of my user have specified requirement that only can use this version of CPPTEST. Could anyone advise me on this?


  • kaustin
    kaustin Posts: 1 admin

    For licensing specific support topics, I recommend you contact Parasoft Technical Support directly: support@parasoft.com or (888) 305-0041.