How to know whether my SOATest script is failed or passed through Extension tool scripting?

I would like to know whether my test is failed or passed through scripting (groovy). As on failure, I need to run some logics through scripting only.
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You can configure tests to be executed conditionally based on whether a previous test passed for failed. So, you could execute a script from an Extension Tool conditionally this way. See Test-Specific Logic Options where you can configure "Test Result Dependency".
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If there any any failure, then how can I prevent it to continue with the remaining data sets from Data source?
On the "Test Execution" tab under "Test Relationship" you will see an "Abort scenario on" option. So, if you have a scenario that is iterating over the rows in your data source, then you can configure the scenario to abort automatically on "Any error" or "Fatal error".
Alternatively, if you need to check test results after a test run has completed, then you can write a script to parse the results from SOAtest's XML report.
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Thank you @benken_parasoft. But in some cases I also want to stop rest of the executions when there is some failure in any one of the test. If there any any failure, then how can I prevent it to continue with the remaining data sets from Data source?