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How do I configure cpptestcli to control what is included ?
I have problems with following error message:
Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for file.
In file included from C:\BuildRoot\IO\FCI\CI846\MainTrack\Dev\Current\MCU\Workspace_UnitTests.cpptest\FCI_PROFINET\file-data\CCRC32.cppc160100f\bundled_CCRC32.cpp:4:
C:\BuildRoot\IO\FCI\CI846\MainTrack\Dev\Current\MCU\Workspace_UnitTests\FCI_PROFINET\tests\src\AppLayer\Base\TSuite_CCRC32.cpp:20:36: error: Unittest_Report_Macros.h: No such file or directory
I have the Unittest_Report_Macros.h in a file location on the same computer. How do I configure it is included ?
The include statement in TSuite_CCRC32.cpp looks like this:
include <Unittest_Report_Macros.h>
version of cpptestcli is:
cpptestcli: Version