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CLI Fails to import project

I've got almost everything working - gui operation, licensing, bdf generation, but I'm failing at cpptestcli.

cpptestcli" -data "/myWorkspace/" -config "myConfig.properties" -localsettings parasoft_CLI/parasoft_localsettings -appconsole stdout -showdetails -import "/myWorkspace/myProject/myDKM" -resource "MyDKM" -bdf DKM.bdf

I've tried about every combination of the last three options (e.g. maybe if I leave out -bdf...), but I'm always stuck with:

[C/C++test] Importing 1 build data file project(s)...
[0%] Importing 1 build data file project(s)...
[0%] Importing SyCS3740-DKM...
[C/C++test] ImpmyCS3740-mDKM...
[0%] ...failed - project name already remySCS3740-DKM
[C/C++test] ...failed - project name already remySCS3740-DKM
[100%] ...finished, 0 of 1 project(s) successfully imported.
[C/C++test] ...finished, 0 of 1 project(s) successfully imported.
[100... options
mySCS3740-DKM: Project SCS3740-DKM is not testable by C/C++test. Skipping...
[25%] Reporting scope

What am I missing?