Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2021.1

C/C++test 2021.1 has been released! Our new release introduces new capabilities for software architectural analysis and continues our focus on git-based workflows.
Here is a list of the most important enhancements:
Dedicated GitHub integration
The new release provides a dedicated GitHub action, “Run Parasoft C/C++test,” which enables you to run code analysis with Parasoft C/C++test and review the analysis results directly on GitHub. Action’s documentation includes examples of the GitHub workflows you may use as a base for your workflows. When C/C++test is included in the GitHub workflow, static analysis results are available in the Security tab, as “Code scanning alerts,” and you also have them included in your pull requests.
You can read more about the C/C++test GitHub action here
Lattix Architect Integration
Our latest release brings new capabilities for analyzing, defining, and enforcing software architecture with Lattix Architect integration. Lattix Architect relies on code analysis data produced by C/C++test and offers its unique visualization, based on Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) technology, to quickly identify and remediate architectural issues. Lattix architect satisfies software architecture analysis requirements imposed by safety standards such as ISO262662,
You can find more information about this integration in the webinar and on the partner web pages
Enhanced extension for the VSCode
Our most recent update simplifies VSCode usage for CI/CD workflows. Users are now able to download static analysis results generated in the pipeline directly to their favorite code editor and work on the problems without switching between VSCode and the browser.
There is a dedicated command for GitHub, which recognizes your current repository and automatically finds appropriate static analysis report, and a generic command for other CI/CD systems which requires users to provide static analysis report location (URL) .
You can find more information here (See "Importing Results from GitHub" and "Importing Results from a Local File or URL")
New code coverage extension for CMake projects
You can now seamlessly integrate code coverage measurements into your CMake project and get a better understanding of your system testing completeness. Our new extension helps to generate code coverage reports which you can then merge with unit testing code coverage reports. Adding the extension to your project is quite simple. All You need to do is add one "include" directive to your existing CMakeLists.txt file, and that's it.
Check out our Timer demo project, which has been updated to include the CMake extension!
Read more for C/C++test Professional
Read more for C/C++test Standard
Streamlined deployments
Archive-based installers are now official and replace now deprecated executable-style installers. This is a part of our continuous effort to streamline and modernize the deployments in the era of cloud, virtualization, and containerization. Deprecated installers are still available in the customer portal but will be removed after the next release.
Jama Integration
With Jama integration, C/C++test unit testing results are correlated in Parasoft DTP with the Jama requirements and presented in the form of traceability reports which are needed for functional safety standards compliance. DTP also propagates unit testing results back to Jama by incorporating them into the proper requirements or test specifications. In addition, when reviewing static analysis or unit testing results in DTP, users can automatically create a work item/task in Jama to address identified coding violations and software bugs.
Support for new compilers and IDEs
With 2021.1 we introduce the integration with Texas Instrument’s Code Composer Studio version 10.x, and as usual, a collection of the new supported compiler configurations, here is a quick list:
• IAR BXARM Compiler for ARM v. 8.50.x
• Green Hills Software Compiler for ARM64 v. 2020_1.x
• QNX GCC 8.x (x86-64)
• QNX GCC 8.x (ARM64)
• TI ARM C/C++ Compiler v20.2
For more information see the release notes:
C/C++test Standard
C/C++test Professional for Eclipse
C/C++test Professional for Visual Studio