javax/jms/JMSContext failure
Hi All,
i am configuring a Windows 10 environment with Soatest 9.9.5 in this VM. Some software have been upgraded we use the EMS 8.5 from Tibco, but i can't connect to the EMS anymore with the following ERROR.
Error Message:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/JMSContext class was not found, please make sure the
appropriate jar files are on your CLASSPATH
Additional Details:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/JMSContext class was not found, please make sure the
appropriate jar files are on your CLASSPATH
In the classpath of Soatest the following JAR's are included.
tibjms.jar & tibjmsadmin.jar
Does anyone have a sollution?
RESOLVED!! EMS 8.5 doesn't support the Tibco JMS ConnectionFactory anymore. While this is the one to be configured in all the older versions. So Tibco released something totaly new as a SMALL release, what in my opinion is an Major upgrade.