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Request timed out when hitting parasoft.com:8080/examples/servlets/Echo

Lakshmi2121 Posts: 3


I am trying to hit http://ws1.parasoft.com:8080/examples/servlets/Echo to echo my request (which has parameterized values ) and get a plain response. I am using the Mentioned end point from the past 3 months and now from last week I am getting a time out message on hitting the endpoint. Please help me with this issue.


Best Answer


  • Lakshmi2121
    Lakshmi2121 Posts: 3

    Thank you for the info :smile:

  • Laxmi31
    Laxmi31 Posts: 4

    Hi @benken_parasoft , is there a new host available to use the echo. i am getting 301 Moved permanently error on trying "http://parabank.parasoft.com/parabank/echo.jsp"

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    That link redirects to the HTTPS version - use this instead: https://parabank.parasoft.com/parabank/echo.jsp

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    The HTTP transport settings for Client tools has an option to "Follow HTTP redirects". This option is enabled by default for newly created tools. When enabled, the URI in the "Location" header of the 301 response is automatically requested.

  • Laxmi31
    Laxmi31 Posts: 4

    @benken_parasoft i have the "Follow HTTP redirects" option selected but till getting the 301 response

  • Laxmi31
    Laxmi31 Posts: 4

    @jakubiak , when i use https i got "413 Request Entity Too Large" Response

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    i have the "Follow HTTP redirects" option selected but till getting the 301 response

    Very odd. This doesn't happen for me.

    when i use https i got "413 Request Entity Too Large" Response

    You need to stand up your own version of ParaBank. It is included with SOAtest and is also available on github. The instance of ParaBank that is deployed at parabank.parasoft.com has extra security enabled that will block certain types of activity including sending of large message bodies.