JTest Lisence Problem in command Line

I try to use Jtest in command line. When I run the command which is shown in attched image. The reply of the command is lisence feature not found. Normally in netbeans or intellij parasoft plugin to these ides and there is no problem for lisence. But in command line I took an error about lisence. Why this ase occur?
How can I fix it?
I solved this problem by using intellij ide. I extract properties file via intellij ide and use it for static analysis. And in this time lisence problem did not occur.
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For future reference, the properties file is indeed the correct way to set the license for the command line. The documentation for this can be found here: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/JTEST1042/Setting+the+License
Note that there other ways to set up the properties and license - See https://docs.parasoft.com/display/JTEST1042/Configuration+Overview.