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Stubs for variadic functions
Recently I had to stub out a Linux ioctl function for testing. I found that the stub doesn't pass the variadic arguments to the callback function. In order to pass the arguments I made a quick hack, and hijacked the __return pointer from within the auto-generated stub code to be able to see the arguments as shown below. Is there a cleaner/proper way of doing this?
extern "C" int ioctl (int __fd, unsigned long __request, ...) throw(); extern "C" int CppTest_Stub_ioctl (int __fd, unsigned long __request, ...) throw() { struct { int __return; va_list vl; } va_bipass; va_bipass.__return = 0; va_start(va_bipass.vl, __request); /** * This section enables Dynamic Stub Configuration with Stub Callbacks. * * IMPORTANT: THIS COMMENT BLOCK SHOULD NOT BE DELETED OR MODIFIED * * 1. Define stub callback function in test suite file - use the following signature: * void CppTest_StubCallback_SomeName(CppTest_StubCallInfo* stubCallInfo, int* __return, int __fd, unsigned long __request) * * 2. Register stub callback in test case function - use the following code: * CPPTEST_REGISTER_STUB_CALLBACK("ioctl", &CppTest_StubCallback_SomeName); */ CPPTEST_CALL_STUB_CALLBACK("ioctl", &va_bipass.__return, __fd, __request); va_end(va_bipass.vl); return va_bipass.__return; }
There's no significantly better way of doing it (with callbacks).
I assume that in the callback you would use it like this:va_list vl = * ((va_list*) (__return + 1)); // retrieve va_bypass.vl (see stub definition) int va_1 = va_arg(vl, int); int va_2 = va_arg(vl, int); int va_3 = va_arg(vl, int); CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL(10, va_1); CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL(11, va_2); CPPTEST_ASSERT_INTEGER_EQUAL(12, va_3);
We are considering making the signature of the callback function customizable (so you could add additional "va_list" to it etc.)