Automating Copy content from UI in to Notepad/Excel/CSV file

I am trying automate scenario where we need to copy the values displayed in Browser UI and paste them in an notepad/excel/CSV file save in local and compare UI values with local file.
Can someone please suggest how this scenario can be automated using SOA PARASOFT.
you can try similar approach:how to create CSV files (editable in Microsoft Excel) from Data extracted from tests
The difference is that you have to extract element from web page instead of SOA/JSON response.
Ireneusz Szmigiel -
how to write data into excel file using parasoft,do we need to add apache poi jars?
0 -
see this:
how to create CSV files (editable in Microsoft Excel) from Data extracted from testsCSV files can be opened and edited in MS Excel.
Ireneusz Szmigiel