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SSH into another server from SOAtest

BrianQuantum Posts: 23

I run SOAtest from my laptop. After certain actions, I would like to be able to have SOAtest, using a custom script, SSH into a Linux server, issue a command in that server, then exit. I assume that this can be done in a java or groovy script. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks


  • Ireneusz Szmigiel
    Ireneusz Szmigiel Posts: 228 ✭✭✭


    yes, you should be able to do this using two possible ways:
    -use External Tool with calling appropriate command for ssh and parameters
    -use scripting, and the simplest solution with subprocess module in Jython

    process = subprocess.Popen("ssh example.com ls", shell=True,
    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    output,stderr = process.communicate()
    status = process.poll()
    print output

    -use similar approach in groovy
    -use specialized module for Python ( there are few)

    Ireneusz Szmigiel