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reactancexl Posts: 177

I am trying to run the soa-Vrt version using "soatestcli.exe". There are no virtualize assets. I keep getting the following error.
"ERROR: Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous protocol URL, cannot determine tool in multi-tool mode: 0, , file:/C:/Users/lch/Documents/DESKTOP ITEMS/ITE/SOATest/Reports/PropertiesFile.properties"
Is there a setting that I am missing in Prop file? thx


  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 813 admin

    Can you paste what your CLI command looks like?

  • reactancexl
    reactancexl Posts: 177

    I got it to work. I exported the "example Configuration" to a properties file and referenced it. Here is my command line
    soatestcli.exe -data "C:\Training\Workspace" -resource "/HealthSOAPParabank/SoapRestCommandLine.tst" -localsettings "C:\Training\Works
    pace\SRCommandLine.properties" -config "C:\Training\Workspace\Properties\DemoConfiguration.properties" -report "C:\Training\Workspace\Reports\SoapRestCommandline.html" -environment "para
    bank.parasoft.com" -fail