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Print Message in Quality Task

rvmseng Posts: 89

Hi every body,

How can I print a custom message in quality task with scripting in SOATest?

Thank you.


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018

    Click "Help > Help Contents > Parasoft SOAtest Extensibility API" to open the javadocs then click ScriptingContext. You will notice that ScriptingContext has a couple methods named "report" that "Reports an error message and causes the tool to fail." When you use an Extension tool or script field, one of the arguments to your script is of type ScriptingContext. For other details, see Extensibility and Scripting Basics.

  • rvmseng
    rvmseng Posts: 89

    Thank you a lot