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Add schema details in Responder Correlation

meghana1 Posts: 29


We have multiple request which have same main tag but we need to identify request with schema details. As these requests have different schema details. Any way to add it in responder correlation ?


  • keegan_chan
    keegan_chan Posts: 59 ✭✭

    Responder correlation on "Request Body" allows one to use xpath to define the correlation. That is usually sufficient for differentiate schema details.

  • meghana1
    meghana1 Posts: 29

    if we add the xpath for Responder correlation on "Request Body then it select local name as main xml header <Request....DataOrder>
    but in actual XML it has schema also. That we are not able to select. As there are multiples request which has same header <Request....DataOrder>
    but schemas are different. so how do we add those schema for identify the correct request.

  • keegan_chan
    keegan_chan Posts: 59 ✭✭

    Can you give an example of how "in actual XML it has schema also" in your case?

  • meghana1
    meghana1 Posts: 29

    <ns1:Request....DataOrder xmlns:ns1="urn.v4.abc.service.cm>

    <ns1:Request....DataOrder xmlns:ns1="urn.v4.pqr.service.cm>

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    but schemas are different

    I am inferring you mean that the namespaces are different. You can build XPaths that match only on local name or localname and namespace. For example:
    /*:Request/*[local-name(.)="DataOrder" and namespace-uri(.)="urn.v4.pqr.service.cm"]