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How to run Parasoft LoadTest from a Linux machine

bprabh Posts: 5
edited May 2018 in Load Test

I have created loadtest scripts (lt file) by using soatest scripts (.tst) and its working perfectly fine when i run from Parasoft loadtest 9.10.3.

But when i run it from Linux machine by using the below command

loadtest -loadtestserver [port number] -cmd -run [txt file]

and the text file contains the below data

var minutes = 3
var scenario = "Steady Load"
var base = test/loadtest/workspace
var test-name = ParentTestSuite
open ${base}/${test-name}.lt
loadtest -minutes ${minutes} /%d/${test-name} ${scenario}

It gives this error -

**Parasoft Load Test
Unable to open file - test/loadtest/workspace/ParentTestSuite.tst (No such file or directory)
---------- Load Test ----------
Scenario /%d/ParentTestSuite not found
Server is ready on port **

Please let me know the right command to run loadtest scripts from Linux machine


  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    The command is correct. However, you need to have the .tst file in the correct relative location to the .lt file. My guess is the .tst file is in a different location relative to the .lt file once you move the files to the Linux machine.

  • bprabh
    bprabh Posts: 5

    Thanks for that! i'm not seeing that issue anymore but i'm getting a different error now

    Parasoft Load Test
    ---------- Load Test ----------
    at webtool.loadtest.tool.SimulatorBasedLoadTestTool.applyTool(SimulatorBasedLoadTestTool.java:85)
    at com.parasoft.tool.Tool.apply(Tool.java:285)
    at com.parasoft.gui.ToolMonitor.applyTool(ToolMonitor.java:68)
    at com.parasoft.tool.Tool.apply(Tool.java:285)
    at com.parasoft.tool.ToolUtil.isSuccess(ToolUtil.java:118)
    at com.parasoft.tool.AssortedBatch.iterate(AssortedBatch.java:69)
    at com.parasoft.gui.BatchExecutor.apply(BatchExecutor.java:266)
    at com.parasoft.gui.BatchExecutor._doActionPerformed(BatchExecutor.java:396)
    at com.parasoft.gui.BatchExecutor.doActionPerformed(BatchExecutor.java:353)
    at com.parasoft.tool.ToolAction.actionPerformed(ToolAction.java:25)
    at com.parasoft.app.App.execute(App.java:573)
    at com.parasoft.app.App.execute(App.java:536)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.execute(WebtoolApp.java:4140)
    at com.parasoft.app.App.executeReader(App.java:618)
    at com.parasoft.app.App.executeFile(App.java:605)
    at webtool.app.CommandLineProcessor.processLateArguments(CommandLineProcessor.java:133)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.(WebtoolApp.java:847)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.(WebtoolApp.java:559)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.(WebtoolApp.java:554)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.(WebtoolApp.java:551)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.(WebtoolApp.java:548)
    at webtool.app.WebtoolApp.main(WebtoolApp.java:2571)
    Server is ready on port 8189

  • Sergei
    Sergei Posts: 34

    Could you please explain how are you launching the Load Test? I see in your post output from Load Test launched in both command line mode and server mode.

    In command line mode the console output will be like so:
    C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.10>lt -cmd -run basic-calc.cmd
    Parasoft Load Test
    ---------- Load Test ----------

    In server (load generator) mode the output will be like so:
    C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.10>lt -loadtestserver
    Parasoft Load Test
    Server is ready on port 8189

    In your console output you have outputs from both modes:
    ---------- Load Test ----------
    Server is ready on port 8189