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Report with traffic information for passed Test case

Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭

Hi Team,

While generating the report I am getting only failed traffic information, I would like to get passed traffic information. How do i get that??



  • Matt Love
    Matt Love Posts: 101 admin

    Hi Udaya,

    You will need to edit your Test Configuration inside SOAtest and check the box "Report traffic for all tests" under the Execution tab.

    Best regards,

  • grigorb
    grigorb Posts: 17

    You should get both for failed and passed too, look the tests Test Traffic [All Tests]

  • yshi
    yshi Posts: 2

    After clicked "Generate Report" button, there is a "Preferences..." button which allow you to have different settings.
    Then in the new window, check "Overview of checked fileds and executed tests".
    Hope this can help you.

  • grigorb
    grigorb Posts: 17

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭
    edited October 2017

    Thankyou all for the for prompt response.
    @Matt Love's suggestion works for me..