Extract data source value using javascript

I need to extract value of datasource column using Javascript and combine it with other values. I see some examples of Jython in the forum. Can't we achieve this using Javascript in SOATest?
function doSomething(input, context) { someValue = context.getValue("dataSourceName", "columnName") }
Also see "Parasoft SOAtest User's Guide > Reference > Extensibility (Scripting) Basics"
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Thanks, that worked for a datasource, but not working for a Generated Data Source like a value from Text Data Bank. I need to concatenate values from data source and random generated value - from text data bank
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Use "Generated Data Source" for the data source name, the first argument in that method call. The second argument would be the data bank column name.
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tried that, it doesnt work
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Hello Chinnappa,
Would you kindly give us your current progress/ script so that we may evaluate it?