Integrating Parasoft C++ test tool to ARM DS-5 Development Studio IDE..?

I have integrated c++ test tool to DS-5 IDE by using parasoft plugins and Imported the ARM example project (startup_Cortex-A9_AC5) in parasoft c++ test tool. Later I run the static analysis, it works fine. Then Generated Test cases but while running the unit testing for generated test cases getting error message
" C++test analysis errors in /startup_Cortex-A9_AC5
1. Test execution: error linking test executable for Test unit for selected sources.
Warning: L9931W: Your license for feature ulteval_armcompiler will expire in 25 days
"scatter.scat", line 17 (column 12): Error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST. Finished: 0 information, 1 warning and 1 error messages." .
Can anyone help me here to execute the test cases successfully.
I am able to execute the test cases now..