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Calling test steps using extension tool

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
I have a number of rest client steps in my test suite. How do i use the extension tool to call these test steps.
Also i want to send values from an external data source to the test step. How do i do it. Should i make any changes in the rest client steps to achive this.
Aadith PS
I have a number of rest client steps in my test suite. How do i use the extension tool to call these test steps.
Also i want to send values from an external data source to the test step. How do i do it. Should i make any changes in the rest client steps to achive this.
Aadith PS
Hi Aadith,
Regarding calling test steps from inside an extension tool: SOAtest's scripting api doesn't have the functionality to "call" another tool or test. If you need to perform selective test execution based on previous test results for example, I'd encourage looking into the Test Flow Logic and Regression Options of Test Suites to help produce the test logic you're looking for. This information can be found in the Help contents under "Parasoft SOAtest User's Guide > Functional/Integration Testing > End-to-End Test Scenarios > Configuring Test Suite Properties (Test Flow Logic, Variables, etc.)"
As for your question on how to access external data source information, that depends on the type of data source you're trying to access. Parasoft SOAtest can access data from CSV, Microsoft Excel, Data from a database query, or the contents of a file (See "Parasoft SOAtest User's Guide > Functional/Integration Testing > End-to-End Test Scenarios > Adding a Data Source" for details on how to set up each specific Data Source type).
You can data drive your rest client tests from a SOAtest datasource to pass it values from your datasource as inputs. Simply open the REST Client editor and change the drop down next to an input field from "Fixed" to "Parameterized". Make sure the correct Data Source is indicated in the "Data Source" drop down. Then select the column containing the data you want to pass from the data source into the selected REST Client field.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you and regards,Hi
I have a number of rest client steps in my test suite. How do i use the extension tool to call these test steps.
Also i want to send values from an external data source to the test step. How do i do it. Should i make any changes in the rest client steps to achive this.
Aadith PS0