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Response time is not appeared in graph at the running LoadTest

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Response time is not appeared in grah at the running load
Hi,I would like to measure min. max. and avarage response time for my positive test. These three time are setting in the ProjectConfiguration tab at the Monitors/Windows/localhost.
When I started my load test running with one or more virtual users, SOAtest does not show the min,max and av. response time values in the Grahs. Exactly all of these values have 0ms values.
And only Total virtual user, Total test start rate and the Total Tests Completion Rate(1/sec) have values are greater than 0.
Additional information: Deployed appilcation is placed in the remote computer. And Im trying to call that service from my localhost.
My question is that how can be appeared response time for my test in graph which are not zero? What do I need to be set in SOAtest for this?
Im waiting for your answer.
Thanks in advance,
Good afternoon Kevin,
The reason that you are seeing 0 for all the Verified Max/Min/Avg Execution Times is because you have High Throughput Mode selected. When the option is selected, SOAtest does not verify the numbers so as to minimize processing overhead in the load test.
As for the monitor that you included, it was not meant to be used in the case that you are trying for. I believe that you want to Record Individual Hits, and then go into the Detailed Report and select "Show Individual Hits". By hovering over a point, you can see the test that ran and its execution time. You can also export the points to a graph, if you refer to the documentation on how to do so.
Joseph0 -
Thanks a lot for the previous information. I have another question:
I performed several measurements with different number of the virtual users and I experienced the following:
Im able to set maximum 1000 value for virtual users, but when I entered greater than 1000 value, then SOAtest automatically delete this entered number. It looks SOAtest does not allow me 5000 and 10000 setting for number of virtual users. Why?
I verified my licence server, where I saw 'virtual users' under 'File/View password' menu. And at the Features there is 25000virtual user setting.
My question is: How can I measure with more than 1000 number of virtual users?
Kevin0 -
Good morning Kevin,
There is currently a limit of 1000 VUs per SOAtest instance (process). In order to run more VUs, you will need to add server processes, or use slave machines. This VU limit is due to the memory and processing requirements of running a thousand virtual users, each of which must simultaneously generate and process requests/responses from the service.
In order to create a more complete load testing picture, it is recommended that you use remote machines (slaves) to help generate the necessary load, as bandwidth/processing/memory may affect the load test when so many virtual users are generated.
Joseph0 -
I started 'LoadTestServer' in one of my workstations and in the another workstation I added workstation(in which is running LoadTestServer) under Machines folder.Good morning Kevin,
There is currently a limit of 1000 VUs per SOAtest instance (process). In order to run more VUs, you will need to add server processes, or use slave machines. This VU limit is due to the memory and processing requirements of running a thousand virtual users, each of which must simultaneously generate and process requests/responses from the service.
In order to create a more complete load testing picture, it is recommended that you use remote machines (slaves) to help generate the necessary load, as bandwidth/processing/memory may affect the load test when so many virtual users are generated.
Then I verified the previously added workstation here and SOAtest indicated green color.
Afterwards in the Scenarios folder I unchecked 'Machine independent' checkbox and SOAtest displayed two workstations. At this point I was able to set 1000VUs for each host(together 2000). My selected Scenario Type was 'Direct profile' under Summary Table menu.
When I set everything, I wanted to start my test by Run Scenario, but SOAtest displayed the following message:
"You have a license to run 1 virtual users. Number of virtual users in current scenario is 2. Please reduce number of users or choose another scenario."
I looked at my Licence edition what Im using. This is 'Virtual user'.
My question is that what kind of licence must be selected in SOAtest for this testing in this case?
Thanks in advance.
0 -
Good evening Kevin,
If you are not aware, both your main workstation AND the slave machine require licensing. Thus, if only your main workstation has a license and your slave machine does not, then the Load Testing will fail.
However, if both your machines are using valid licenses, then please contact soatestsupport@parasoft.com with screenshots of the error message, as well as your load test settings, and we will assist you from there.