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Multile Logins

LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭

I am tryig to run a load test for 500 users And i am having a multiple login problem, that means same user is trying to login multiple times and i dont want that. Webking documenatation says , to avoid multiple login from same user we need to unchek "Allow multiple instances" , i tried this one but , my script is running only once. (sngle instance)

I want t run my scrips for 500 users for single time. Any suggetions ..



  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
    Hi Rkr,

    When you uncheck "Allow multiple instances" you only allow one instance of a path to be traversed at a time. If you have only one path specified in your project then only one user will traverse the site at a time.

    Assuming you want to test 500 unique users at a time (with a unique login/pass), you will need to use a Data Source that specifies each login/pass pair and is set to only use one instance of each pair at a time. For example, if you created a table Data Source, you would have 500 login/pass entries and uncheck "Rows Can Be Used Concurrently."

    For more information on Data Sources, see "Populating Forms Using Data Sources" in the WebKing documentation.
