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Silent Install

LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
edited December 2016 in SOAtest
Does SOAtest support silent install? I got the setup installing silently with commandline switches as far as distributing the binaries, but at the last step it asks whether to install the SOAtest Service. This dialog seems external to the Innosetup exe so I wasn't sure how to get around this dialog.


  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
    edited May 2006
    Unfortunately, there is no silent install option in the current version of SOAtest. I'll make a PR for this feature request.
  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
    This is now possible.

    soatest_win32_5.5.2.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
