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SOATest Branching

AB1 Posts: 2

How to branch SOAtest .tst files? I see we can convert this to xml but haven't see more threads on how folks use parasoft SOAtest in CI Automation implementation.

SCM - Stash or gitHub


  • Ramiro Martinez
    Ramiro Martinez Posts: 53 admin
    edited July 2017

    Hi ABI,

    1) If you mean execution of tst from CLI then please see the following:
    Below is an example of a working CLI command and details on the sections:
    "C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -data "C:\Users\rmartinez\parasoft\workspace\9.9a" -resource "\ProjectsOff\Calc5.tst" -config "user://Example Configuration"

    Below is a short list of the common arguments for the CLI command:

    Path_to_soatestcli="C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe"

    "-data" arguments sets the workspace that soatestcli accesses:
    -data Path_to_workspace_directory

    "-resource" argument sets the project folder and .tst file that is run by soatestcli. The path is from the workspace to whichever folder or .tst you need to run within your workspace.
    See above for example
    -resource Path_to_TST_project_folder_from_workspace

    "-config" is the run configuration that is set. Example Configuration is the preset run configuration
    -config "user://Name_TestConfiguration"

    2) If you mean general use of source control then the general use would be:
    Check-in your project folders (not workspace) containing all your artifacts (tst files) as a single "component" and have your "External" instances automatically check them out from SCM. This way your tst files are the same across users

    3) If you are attempting to auto merge tst files, this is not recommended. It may be possible with a custom script which parses through the two uncompressed tst files, but this would be custom and could lead to corrupted tst files.