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Check-in SOATest projects to GIT

Did someone try using GIT as their source code management tool ?

We are planning to use GIT to check in our SOATest projects and the documentation is not of much help. As SOATest does not show us what is in sync with GIT. We need to use another tool or commands to see whether there are any files that has been changed currently and are out of sync with SCM.

I would appreciate a list of steps on how to configure the SOATest tool to do this.




  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭
  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    To install EGit:

    1. Help > Install New Software
    2. Click Add on top right
    3. Enter a name and put "http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates" for Location
    4. In the list of features select "Git integration for Eclipse" and "Java implementation of Git"
    5. Click Next, accept the licenses, click Finish
    6. You will be prompted to restart. After doing so, switch to the new "Git" perspective, and add your Git repo.

    After setting it up, you can use the Git and the Team Synchronzing perspectives to see which SOAtest .tst files are modified, and to check them in.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017

    Among many other things, EGit provides a "Git Staging" view which will show you which files are dirty and includes options for staging and diffing files and building commits.

    The EGit User's Guide has detailed explanation about all that is possible: http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide

  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 38

    Hello ,

    we are using bitbucket as a source repository to store Parasoft SOA test .tst scripts.

    Can Bitbucket integrated directly with Parasoft?

    currently we use some commands to checkout/check-in the code to Bitbucket.

    please advise the steps how bitbucket can be integrated.

    earlier , I used TFS - Team foundation server and Rational Clear Case tools, where I can directly check-in scripts from the parasoft tool not using any commnads separately.


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Atlassian Bitbucket hosts and manages git repositories. You can use EGit to clone and checkout git repositories, whether hosted by Bitbucket or something else. You just need to know the repository URL in order to clone it. In Bitbucket you would click on the project then click the Clone button to see the URL.

    How to clone repositories, checkout and work with branches is somewhat of a larger topic. If you use EGit then I recommend reading through the EGit User's Guide I had mentioned which includes a beginner's tutorial.

  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 38

    Hello Benken, Thanks for the update.

    Can you please elaborate more how to integrate Parasoft with BitBuket.

    let me explain what I am looking for:

    1) Currently we are using some commands to check-in .tst file to Bitbucket. Is there a way to directly integrate Parasoft tool with Bitbucket. so that we can check-in .tst file to bitbucket with out using any commands.

    2) I used microsoft team foundation server earlier , In which we use to right click on the .tst file and directly check-in the changes to TFS.

    3) All I am looking what plug-in need to be downloaded for the integration.
    4) what are the steps to be performed once the integration plug-in in downloaded.

    appreciate if you can provide some more information. thank you


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Currently we are using some commands to check-in .tst file to Bitbucket

    As in "git" command line tool? You can use that too.

    I used microsoft team foundation server earlier , In which we use to right click on the .tst file and directly check-in the changes to TFS.

    EGit provides similar functionality for git repositories (including those hosted by Bitbucket).

    All I am looking what plug-in need to be downloaded for the integration

    Please see the detailed instructions provided by jakubiak on how to install EGit into your SOAtest. Look for his comment earlier in this thread.

    what are the steps to be performed once the integration plug-in in downloaded

    There's a lot of different things you can do with EGit and actions you can perform with git repositories in general. There is too much information to detail here in the Parasoft forum. I would still refer you to the EGit User's Guide, especially the tutorial section.

    However, as an example, after you install EGit your first step might be to configure your git configuration properties (username, email, etc.) in the preferences. Next, you will probably want to clone your git repository (the one that's hosted on your Bitbucket). How to do all this exactly is detailed in the EGit User's Guide that I already mentioned. However, in short, you would open the Git Repositories view and then click on a particular toolbar button to clone a git repository. EGit will then prompt you for the repository URL which you can get from the Bitbucket web UI. In Bitbucket, you click the repository name then click the Clone button to see the repository URL.

    EGit contributes a lot of functionality including those you specifically mentioned, like being able to right-click to commit files and push changes back to the remote repository (regardless of whether that's BitBucket or something else).

  • Jesse_Z
    Jesse_Z Posts: 1

    @jakubiak after/during step 5, I receive many missing dependencies error. Cannot finish the installation. I am currently using parasoft 9.9.0

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭

    Jesse, in case this helps you, you can try installing from the update site for Eclipse Neon:
