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We changed from 2021.1 to 2024.1 version of Soatest, there is a difference in compare

Ankob1985 Posts: 16

Hi we upgraded from version 2021.1 to 2024.1 what we needed because of TLS supported versions. Now we experience a difference in de compare.
In earlier versions we had an empty field shown as:
in the new version this empty field is shown as:

Is there some setting to change this so the namespace isn't shown?

Best Answer

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Please allow me to copy my explanation and response from Traffic Viewer/Diff tool issue:

    You show these extra attributes:

    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"

    This is the typical way to say that the element represents a null pointer as opposed to an empty string, for example.

    This is an intentional change made a few years ago for the SOAtest 2021.2 release.
    From the SOAtest 2021.2 release notes:

    SOA-8013 Database Tool Returns zero or empty string for null values

    Previously, the result set XML did not distinguish whether a value was a null as opposed to empty string or zero but now it does. The Traffic Viewer's Table view will also now render null values a special way, those that have xsi:nil="true" in the XML representation.

    and this can't be turned off?

    No. Please update your Diff controls, for example.
