This topic explains how you can configure or update team-wide settings once that can be propagated across the team’s SOAtest installations. It also covers how to extend or override these settings as needed (for example, for machine-specific paths).

Sections include:

Workflow Overview

If your organization uses Parasoft Development Testing Platform (DTP) or Concerto, we strongly recommend that you adopt the following workflow to simplify configuration and updating of preference settings across your team’s machines:

  1. Configure team-wide preferences.
    1. Configure team-wide preferences settings in the Parasoft GUI.
    2. Convert those settings into the localsettings format.
    3. Add the settings to your team’s DTP or Concerto server.
  2. Configure Parasoft Test preferences on each desktop and server installation.
    1. Let Parasoft automatically detect the settings stored on DTP or Concerto.
    2. Extend or override those settings as needed.
  3. When team-wide preferences need to be updated, update them on the DTP or Concerto server. Changes will automatically be propagated to the connected Parasoft Test installations.

Configuring Team-wide Preference Settings

Team-wide preference settings can be specified from the GUI, exported into localsettings, then shared via Parasoft Concerto. 

Multicast DNS Note

Concerto uses multicast DNS to broadcast its services in the local network. This allows SOAtest to automatically detect available Concerto servers, which enables easy configuration. 

  • For Eclipse: In the file <ECLIPSE_INSTALL_DIR>/eclipse.ini, add the line -Dparasoft.jmdns.autoconf.disabled=true
    after the -vmargs parameter.

  • For Visual Studio: In the file <PARASOFT_TEST_INSTALLDIR>/plugins/com.parasoft.xtest.runtime.vstudio.core/, add the line

To configure team-wide settings:

  1. Open the Parasoft GUI and configure the following settings:
  2. In the top-level Parasoft Preferences page, click the Share link, specify which settings you want to export, and specify where you want to store the localsettings file that contains the exported preferences.

  3. Add the exported settings to Parasoft Concerto (edit the project, then paste the settings from the exported localsettings file into the Parasoft Test Settings tab). See the Concerto User’s Guide for additional details.

Configuring Preferences on Each Installation

To configure each desktop and server installation to use the preferences stored on Concerto:

  1. Open the Parasoft Preferences panel (Parasoft> Preferences).
  2. Open the Concerto page.
  3. If your team’s Concerto server is not already listed under the auto-detected servers list, configure it now (see Connecting to Parasoft Development Testing Platform) for details.
  4. Click the Configure button in the General Project area, select the Concerto project that you are currently working on, click Next, indicate which settings you want to import for that project, then click Finish.
  5. Verify the connection status. The status of the main connection is shown on the Concerto page. Follow the Configure links for more details on the status of specific elements (e.g., License, Report Center, Team Server). 

  6. Update machine-specific settings (for example, settings that involve local paths) as desired—see Preference Configuration Basics for details.
    • If needed, you can change/override imported settings on the related Preferences panel pages (e.g., to override license settings, go to the License page). Just clear the Use Concerto settings option on the appropriate page, then manually configure the settings.
    • If you do override imported settings and later want to restore them, click the Restore Concerto Defaults button on the related preference page (to restore specific settings). Or, to reconfigure settings for the selected project and restore all defaults, click the Restore Concerto Defaults button the Concerto page.

Working with Multiple Concerto Projects

If you’re working with multiple Concerto projects, you can easily switch from one project’s settings to another by clicking the Concerto preferences page’s General Projects> Configure button, then changing the selected project.

Refreshing Parasoft Test Settings Specified on Concerto

If you are storing Parasoft Test settings on Concerto, those settings are refreshed each time that Parasoft Test is started.

If you want to manually refresh these settings (e.g., if you know that settings changed and you want to retrieve the new settings immediately, without restarting Parasoft Test):

  1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences.
  2. Open Parasoft> Concerto.
  3. Click the Configure button to the right of the General Project field. This will synchronize the selected project’s settings with those on the Concerto server.

Using Preference Settings for Command-Line Execution

Using an Existing Locally-Stored Localsettings File

If you already have a locally-stored localsettings file that represents the settings you want to use for command-line execution:

  • Specify that file at the command line (e.g., using -localsettings my_localsettings_file)

For more details, see Configuring Localsettings as well as the appropriate Parasoft Test family product’s User’s Guide ([product_name] User’s Guide> Setup and Testing Fundamentals>  Testing from the Command Line).

Using the Settings Stored on the Concerto Server

If you would prefer to use settings stored on the Concerto server (recommended for ease of maintenance)—you can do this in either of two ways:

  • Specify -concerto.autoconfig project_name@servername:port at the command line. For example:
    -concerto.autoconfig [email protected]:8080
    This is often used when teams do not already have a locally-stored localsettings file.
  • Use the concerto.autoconfig=true localsettings option. For example: 

    This is often used when a team already has a localsettings file, then wants to import some additional settings from Concerto. You can define common properties in Concerto, then configure per-test-run specific properties in various localsettings files for different test runs.

For details on how to specify localsettings, see Configuring Localsettings.

Specifying Multiple Groups of Settings

If you want to use a combination of settings (for example, 1) key project settings stored on Concerto 2) settings for all tests from this particular machine and 3) settings tailored for just a specific set of analyses from this machine), you can express a hierarchy of files as follows:

  1. Export each group of settings as a localsettings file using the procedure described in Exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings File
  2. Use both -concerto.autoconfig  and -localsettings at the command line. For example:
    -concerto.autoconfig [email protected]:8080 -localsettings 
    machine_override_properties -localsettings project_override_properties
    Be sure to list your most general settings first, and your most specific settings last. Settings will be processed in the order in which they are listed; any settings that are duplicated across groups will be overridden each time a duplicate is found.

Updating Team-wide Settings

If you are using this recommended process, you can updated team-wide settings in Parasoft Concerto, then those modifications will automatically be propagated to all the connected machines. 

To prevent this automated updating (e.g., because you have updated settings locally and do not want them overridden), disable Use Concerto settings on the Preferences page(s) you do not want updated from Concerto.

Preference Configuration Basics

To customize preferences:

  1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences. The Preferences dialog will open.
  2. In the left pane, select the category that represents the settings you want to change. See the following table and the listed references for details.
  3. Modify the settings as needed.
  4. Click either Apply or OK to commit the modified settings.

Preferences Categories

Parasoft (Root-Level)

Sets general preferences and allows you to export settings to a localsettings file.

    • Ignore solution and solution folder names in paths: Enables "reduced paths" mode. In this mode—where Parasoft Test uses only reduced (project relative) paths. Names of solution and solution folders will be skipped in these paths. New paths will be unique because project names are unique inside a solution.
    • User name: Allows you to set a different user name than the one specified in the operating system. Parasoft Test uses this user name for code review and Report Center/Project Center settings. The user name specified here can be overwritten at the code review and Report Center/Project Center level.
    • Share/import: See Exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings File.


 Maps a team member’s automatically-detected username to a different username and/or email address.

See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings.

Code Review

Specifies settings for automating the preparation, notification, and tracking of the peer review process.

See Configuring Code Review Preferences.


Specifies setting for the Concerto server, as well as Report Center and Task Assistant.

Connecting to Parasoft Development Testing Platform


Specifies the number of Test Configurations available in the Parasoft> Test History menu, the location where custom static analysis rules (user rules) are saved and searched for, and the location where user-defined Test Configurations and rules are saved and searched for.

    • Size of recently run test configurations: Determines the number of Test Configurations available in the Parasoft> Test History menu.
    • Custom directories: Indicates where user-defined Test Configurations and  custom directories (e.g., for user rules, embedded cross-compilers, etc.) are saved.
    • Run configuration on save: Tells the product to automatically run the specified Test Configuration each time a source file is saved. This enables fully-automated continuous desktop analysis.


Specifies settings for the Console view.

    • Low: Configures the Console view to show errors and basic information about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date).
    • Normal: Adds command lines and issues reported during test and analysis.
    • High: Uses full-format violation listings and also reports warnings.
    • Show console on any change: Determines whether the console is brought to the front any time its content changes.


Specifies email settings used for report notifications and for sending files to Parasoft Technical Support.

See Configuring Email Settings.

Issue Tracking Tags

Specifies custom tags that the team uses to associate a test case with an issue from an issue/feature/defect tracking system (for example, Bugzilla). 

See Using Custom Defect/Issue Tracking Tags.

JDBC Drivers

Specifies JDBC drivers (e.g., drivers needed to connect to a database used for parameterizing tests).

 See Configuring JDBC Drivers.


Specifies license settings.

See Configuring Licenses.

Parallel Processing

Specifies parallel processing settings.

See Configuring Parallel Processing.

Quality Tasks

Specifies general options related to how tasks are displayed in the Quality Tasks view.

See Configuring Task Reporting Preferences.


Specifies what reports include and how they are formatted.

See Configuring Task Reporting Preferences.

Scope and Authorship

Specifies how Parasoft Test computes code authorship and assigns tasks to different team members. 

See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings.

 Source Control

 Specifies how Parasoft Test connects to your source control repositories.

 See Connecting to Your Source Control Repository.

 Team Server

 Specifies connections to the Team Server module, which  ensures that all team members have access to the appropriate projects, rules, and policies.

 See Connecting to Parasoft Team Server

Technical support

 Specifies options for preparing "support archives" and sending them to the Parasoft support team.

 See Preparing a "Support Archive" and Sending it to Technical Support

Using Variables in Preference Settings

The following variables can be used in reports, e-mail, Report Center, Team Server, and license settings. Note that the session tag value can't contain any ':' characters.

Using Variable Assist

For help specifying variables, you can use the variable assist feature, which automatically proposes possible variables when you type $. For example:

example: ${env_var:HOME}
Outputs the value of the environmental variable specified after the colon.

example: ${project_name}

Outputs the name of the tested project. If more than one project is provided as an input, it first outputs the tested project name, then "..."

example: ${general_project}

Outputs the name of the Concerto general project that results are linked to. See General Project - Notes for details.

example: ${workspace_name}

Outputs the workspace name or Visual Studio solution name. For example,

report.mail.subject=Code Review Scanner Results for ${workspace_name}

would evaluate to something like "Code Review Scanner Results for solution.sln"

solution_loc (Visual Studio)
example: ${solution_loc}

Outputs the Visual Studio solution location. For example,

report.mail.subject=Code Review Scanner Results for ${solution_loc} 

would evaluate to something like "Code Review Scanner Results for c:/nightly/folder/.../solution.sln"

example: ${config_name}

Outputs the name of executed test configuration; applies only to Reports and Email settings.

example: ${analysis_type}

Outputs a comma separated list of enabled analysis types (for example: Static, Execution); applies only to Reports and Email settings.

$ example: ${tool_name}

Outputs the tool name (for example: Jtest, SOAtest).

For example:

Exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings File

You can export Parasoft Test preferences from the GUI to a localsettings text file. For example, this is useful if you want to:

  • Copy settings into Concerto for team-wide sharing (see Workflow Overview)
  • Quickly create a settings file that you can modify for command-line testing preferences.
  • Share the preferences via source control (rather than via Concerto).
  • Edit preferences in a text file rather than in the GUI.

To export preferences to a localsettings file:

  1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences. The Preferences dialog will open.
  2. Select Parasoft (the root element in the left tree) in the Preferences dialog.
  3. In the top-level Parasoft Preferences page, click the Share link, specify which settings you want to export, then export the settings to a localsettings file.

    • If you select an existing file, the source control settings will be appended to that file. Otherwise, a new file will be created.
    • Exported passwords will be encrypted.

To import these preferences:

  1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences. The Preferences dialog will open.
  2. Select Parasoft (the root element in the left tree) in the Preferences dialog.
  3. Click the Import link, then specify the file where the saved settings are stored, and which settings you want to import:

Overriding the System User Name Outside of the GUI

If you need to override the system user name (e.g., if you are integrating the product into an automated process and do not want the resulting tasks assigned to the default system name), you can do so as follows:

  • Provide the<username> switch to the Java Virtual Machine

Note that this configuration is the equivalent to modifying the User name setting at the top level of the Preferences UI. 

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